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Louis bursted out laughing. There stood Jelena with a red rose similar to what was in Zayn's book smiling so wide her eyes are just slits. Someone once told her it makes her look Chinese and she dressed up in a classical Chinese robe for Halloween. Who was to tell her it was cultural appropriation and it was offensive? Well it's Jelena. She might put on an afro wig and do a photoshoot if she got the chance. Really. Pathetic.

"Ew! Her? And Louis stop laughing! I'm gonna go throw out the rose."

Zayn elbowed Louis when people started turning to look at them. Louis wiped his eyes. He had tears from laughing so much.

"Sorry bro. But I just imagined her giving you the flower and you accepting it and a whole Tum Paas Aaye sequence and I couldn't help it!"

Louis tried so hard to suppress the laughter bubbling up again. Zayn huffed. He needs to delete Louis' Bollywood movie collection from the pendrive. Him quoting Bollywood songs are driving Zayn nuts.

Zayn looked at the crowd and found Raiyyan standing awkwardly next to Yasser and Geoff.

"Alright. I'll go give some confidence to my Bhai jaan over there. Seems like he needs it."

Zayn walked away when Louis' phone began ringing and a blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Hey babe!"

Zayn didn't even bother mocking Louis' voice practically dripping honey. Maybe he should film a sequence of Louis and Harry on Tum Paas Aaye. Bloody love birds!

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Zileh walked out of the washroom after cleaning the curry stain on her dupatta. She should fire that clumsy waiter! But that poor thing was already near tears when she looked at him. Reminded her of Liam when he was still 17. Oh that reminded her-

"Jelena! Thanks for taking care of my rose, love. Now I'd like it back."

Zileh was walking around with the red rose in her hand. Her green salwaar and red rose in her hand. She was feeling like Anarkali and boom the waiter bumped into her. Good thing her dupatta is a dark green and the stain was easy to remove. So she had to ask someone to hold her precious rose and Jelena just happened to be there pretending to be the perfect possible daughter-in-law for anyone rich enough. Why not make use of her!

"Here you go Aunt Zileh! By the way who gave you the rose that you are not putting it away?"

Jelena smirked trying to make Zileh feel bad about being single in her 40s. But Zileh has had many Jelenas to deal with all this time, this petite blonde can do nothing.

"Why? Jealous that you didn't get any but I did?"

Ha! Right back at ya!

"Oh no, I just-"

Zileh has got better things to do than listen to her explanation. She walked away with a smile - Roo might call it evil smile. Well.

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"What was she doing with the flower I gave you!? I thought you liked me!"

Liam pouted making Zileh laugh. He's such a cutie-patootie.

"Aw baby! I had to make someone hold it while I washed the stain away. Didn't want to keep the rose on the sink. See, it's safe and sound in my hand!"

Zileh kissed the rose which made Liam smile.

"And by the way where's the other one? You had two roses with you!"

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