Chapter 12

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"What else did you ask your coworker?" Gulamov asked Rustam with an ironic glee on his face. " Everything that an ivestigator could ask" Rustam said strictly frowning his brows. The glee disappeared from his face immediately. " i asked her about Gulyana's husband, marriage, the life after marriage, boyfriend after the marriage, about friends....." Rustam said this time with a glee now on his face. " The only thing that can help you in this investigation is to find Gulyana's friend Sveta. The other details about her life are just trivia" Rustam added. "Let me decide myself what exatly will endorse to my investigation or not?! Tell me what else you know?!" Gulamov said grudgingly. Gulamov had made compramises for Rustam during the investigation. They did not watch him as potential suspect. So, he decided to tell him a few more details that he knew. "She had a boyfriend at that time, two years ago. Ramila, my corworker had seen his photo, but doesn't know his name. She says she can recognize him still if she sees his photo. She said he was a student as Gulyana introduced him so. And his brother lived in the USA. The guy said her so. This also can not be true. Ramila said Gulyana was a naive girl and trusted her secrets anyone at work. She always tried to make more friends around herself" Rustam narrated. "Yes, we also have asked a few things about her at her workplace. The girls working in there were knew ones and barely knew Gulyana. But, they also said she used to be a sincere one" Gulamov added. "You can go. The rest of the investigation should be kept secret" Gulamov exclaimed.

As Rustam was gone, Gulamov began to think about the variations of the Fatullayevs' circle of trust. Suddenly he remembered about Mikael's boss Siraj. He thought that Siraj had to be interrogated. He was the closest to Mikael and may be he knew something unusual. As Bandarenko was busy ever since the beginning of the investigation, he decided to go to Siraj's office at the ministry of internal affairs himself. He went to police station chief and informed him about the visit. He approved the visit. Ten yers ago it was impossible to interrogate an official face of the Ministry of Internal Affairs he thought to himself. He called to the receptionist in the Ministry and aaked if he was there or not. The girl said he would be in there afternoon. It was already 13:30 pm and to get there would be not less than 30 minutes. He started the engine of his car and went there. When he reached to the destination, the receptionist girl said Siraj was not still there. So , he sat down and waited for 15 minutes. Gulamov had already confronted with Siraj at Mikael's funeral. As Siraj finally was stepping inside the building, Gulamov stood up. Siraj furrowned as he saw Gulamov. He definately knew his visit was about Mikael's death. "Mr Valiyev, i'd like to ask you a few questions which are very important for our investigation" Gulamov said as they stood up face to face. "Sure,come inside" he said without changing his face expression. Gulamov already knew how Siraj together with Mikael made money?! He did not care about that. That was not his duty to investigate the financial fraud inside the ministry. He just needed to know more about Mikael's surroundings, activity..... As they sat down, Gulamov flicked a small notebook from his pocket and waited for Siraj to sit down and relax. "Would you like a cup of tea?" Sirak asked as he was going to order tea for himself ticking on the telephone buttom. "No, thanks" Gulamov said. Siraj ordered tea for himself and sat down finally on his chair. "So, how can i help to your investigation?"

Rustam went home from the police station. Rashid was at home. His father was watching television with his mother. Rashid was in the kitchen sitting gloomly with cellphone in his hands. He went straight to the room where he slept. He began to get into panic situation again. It was almost a week since Gulyana and her father was murdered, but no clue about the killer was found. A few evidences were against him. How can i find Gulyana's friend Svetlana?! he thought to himself.
He went to the kitchen to pur himself a cup of tea and saw Rashid watching at girls's photos in social network. Suddenly he remembered about Gulyana. She had watched his account when he was still serving military service. He told about it Sara after that. So, he decided to find Gulyana in any social network and investigate her accounts seeking to find Sveta from there. He took his cup of tea, went to his room. He entered to Sara's account first. It was already 8 days that she was absent from internet site. He immediately found Gulyana from Sara's friendlist, but it was a close account. Only friends could watch her photos and friends. He got disappointed for a while, then he remembered about the other social accounts. He entered Facebook and tried Gulyana Fatullayeva in there. Most of the results were girls from Tatarstan. The surname Fatullayeva was wide-spread surname in Tatarstan. The name Gulyana also was quite popular in there. There were about 50 results in there. He looked attentively all of them, buy could not succeed to find her. He thought a little while. She was insecure about her life. These types of girls hardly write their names openly in social networks he thought to himself. Besides , she had written her name on another social network like "Gul_Fat". So , Rustam decided to search for her name on Facebook again, this time trying "Gul_Fat". He wrote the pseudonym down and there were only three results in there. The first one was Gulyana. But, again this profile was also restricted. The only photo which could be seen was her profile photo. Rustam zoomed the photo. "Barcelona, summer time" was written at the dicription of the photo. She had worked in tourism field and probably went to various countries for holidays. He thought to himself again. The photo was liked by 105 people. The only way to find Svetlana was through the likes that the photo had gained. He looked through the 105 people in there and finally found a girl named "Sveta Alkhasova". She was half russian, half azeri as it was told and her first and second name were suitable with her origin. Rustam looked through her profile. Unlike Gulyana, her profile was open for the others. He watched a few of her photos. She was a tall, pretty , white girl with curled hair. First Rustam decided to write her, then he saw her workplace was written by herself in there." Recruitment specialist at Easy staff recruitment agency". Rustam immediately exited from the site wrote the name of agency on Google. The results immediately told the adress of the place. "Easy staff" recruitment agency was inside "Chakhmachi plaza" , at the 8th floor. Fortunately "Chakhmachi plaza" was not far from the place where Rustam lived. It was already saturday afternoon. Saturday and sunday was holiday. It would be wasting of time to go there on saturday. So, he decided to go there on Monday.

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