Chapter 10

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Gulamov decided to intensify the course of investigation. He was afraid of the new death sequances. " Find out any surveillance cameras around that building, talk to as many residents of that building as you can and dig up everything about the family with your questions. Go through the details about everything! Hurry up Gulyana Fatullayeva's body inspection and talk the guards around the building.There are guards and commandant of the building. Talk to them! They know every detail about the residents in there. Who comes to them?, Where and when they go?.....Hurry up!!!" He said fiercly to Bandarenko. Bandarenko flicked the paper out of his suitcase and tossed it on the Gulamov's table. "Gulyana's inspection reports just arrived. Turns out , she just had a sex before died. A consensual one. No sign of raping and semen was found on her body, but she definately had a protected, consensual sex before her death" he told Gulamov. " Last sex before dieying, ha?!" he said it staring at the report that he was holding in his hand. " It means she was killed by her boyfriend" Gulamov said. "Probably the killer is the same who tried to kill both of her parents. But, why?! There is only one thing which can put the people into this obligation. That is the money. Did you find out if anything was stolen from the flats?" He asked Bandarenko . " Their cellphones, money in the pockets was not touched. But, Gulyana's cellphone was gone.What about inside house, we still don't know. Waiting for Sara Fatullayeva's to awake yet" Bandarenko said. " Ask from the guards of the building and the people directly if she was visited by the same man regularly?! I think the second killing was unplanned. It happened out of the blue. She disaggred with the killer in something and he strangled her to death after the sex when she was relaxed on his body backwards" Gulamov said. "What about the first murder?" Bandarenko asked as Gulamov's theories were new for him. " I think that was planned. Mikael also opened the door as if they knew the killer. He killed them immediately. Do you think that Rustam guy is the killer? May be , he was having an affair with the daughter, not the mother? He tried to slaughter the parents, one of them could survive. Did you tell Rustam that, Sara was alive when he was in here?" Gulamov suddenly asked without ending his theory about the murder.      " Yes, i told him and he was deadly glad. For some reason, i beleived him. But, you can never know" Bandarenko answered.

"You see, in old days we just smacked the kids like Rustam a few times and he confessed everything. Now these democracy, even the criminals have the rights things spoiled everything. The rate of the crime ascends. Anyway, you told him that Sara was alive and that ruined his plans. Because, Sara saw his face. Gulyana did not know that he has something to do with the murder of his parents. If Sara had waked up and testified against Rustam, he would lose everything" Gulamov said staring on the floor as if telling the fairytale.           " What you mean would lose everything"? Bandarenko asked. " The money. I think he wanted to marry Gulyana or something, but her parents were against it. He tried to kill the parents, to marry Gulyana and leace the country with her together with money" Gulamov said. " It's just a theory without any sufficient ground. I'm just bluffed" he added after that. "What we know about Gulyana's personality, life?" He asked again.            "Nothing special. She had a bachelor degree in english language from State Tourism University. Had been already working as a ticket seller at " Voyage tourism center". At the age of 22 Got married to her father's estranged relative living in Moscow. They began to live together in the first flat that her father had bought after coming from Russia. Around Narimanov Subway. But , 6 months after the wedding the guy took an unknown amount of money from home while she was at work and fled the country. He went back to Moscow. Her coworkers described her as alone, straight, naive girl who wanted to have more friends. She was nice to everyone" Bandarenko reported reading from the papers.          "Poor girl. She seeked for love and found our psychopath killer.She thought she was being loved" Gulamov said, feeling really sorry for her.

Rustam went home after the interrogation. Tahir told him to keep in touch with him if the police would call him again and they separated right after the interrogation. He had no choice, but to go home. He knew his father was already at home. He would like to go to another place or shack and sleep in there. Thus, don't meet his father. But, he did not have a place like that. He was very tired, wanted to sleep. So, going home was inevitable. He was glad that Sara was alive. He was also glad that, he would have two day offs back to back. It was already 13:30 pm when he reached home. His father and mother was at home. Rashid was at the university seemingly. Rustam got inside and saw that his father was sitting in the kitchen smoking cigarettes. Rustam had never smoked a cigarette and never tried an alchohol. He accepted smoking as weakness. He was his father anyway, so he decided to go and say "hi" to him. He went to the kitchen. He was expecting the same attitude from his father as he used to, but he saw him smiling at him and standing up . He wrapped Rustam with his hands as he stood up. Rustam was surprised, but he got the point immediately. His mother told him that Rustam found a job with a competative salary, works hard and even at nights and doesn't spend his salary and gives it to her. Coming from the night shift at 13:30 daytime also played a role in his father's positive attitude towards him. " How you doing? Your mother told me that you are working and you are out of trouble" he said smiling. There was a glea on Rustam's face when Abdulgadir said the last sentence. He doesn't know where am i coming from?! He thought to himself. "I'm good, a little bit tired. How you doing?" Rustam asked him. He never called his father a father, pop, dad or something like that. He had never asked him something by calling. He just approached him and said what he wanted to say. He called him by his name when he talked to his mother. "I'm also good" Abdulgadir said. They sat down around the table in the kitchen. " where is Rashid?" Rustam asked deliberately smirking. He wanted to see his father's reaction by hearing Rashid's name. " He went to his studies" Abdulgadir responded also smirking. Rustam poured himself a cup of tea and began to drink. " I was told he wanted to get married with a girl. But he said they are separated. Anyway , it's too early for him. He has an older brother like you" as Abdulgadir was going on like this Rustam interrupted him. " If he wants to get married, let him do this. I have nothing to do with that" Abdulgadir again gained back his sullen face. Rustam's rebellious charakter still remained the same. " I'm going to sleep" Rustam stood up after saying this and went to his bedroom.

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