Chapter 2

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When he finally reached the city flat,only his mother Sharaf was at home. Rashid was at the university still. Rustam felt the coldness from his mother even though she hugged and kissed him as welcome.Sharaf began to say flattering words about Rashid. He got scholorship from the goverenment as a student. Rustam did not even ask anything about them. He just sat down eating and listened as his mother telling everything. "How is your health, mother?" Rustam uttered suddenly. Sharaf was seriusly ill and had four times surgeries. To Rustams mind she was sick only because of her nerve system and stress. He accused his father a few times for being psychologically ill and that is why making his mother also feel bad psychologically. His father Abdulgadir could not unserstand his words. He also was an educated man, but had no literacy about human psychology. He just had never thought about that. He always thought straightly. Never looked to the right or left , side effects of his thoughts, actions, always used to shout when was explaining anything. After Rustam's accusations Abdulgadir began almost to hate him. Always kissed Rashid when he came home, but just shook Rustam's hand.

After the dinner Rustam layed on the bed to sleep. But, his thought did not let him to sleep. He thought about the next step of his life. He thought very much, but could not find out what to do next with his life. He grabbed his cellphone and began to check up his military photos. He had a rare feeling when he checked his phone. A feeling that he always had while checking his cellphone at the military service. It was prohibited for the soldiers to use the cellphone. Therefore, a feeling of to be catched by an officer always was in any soldier's brain. Rustam had a feeling as if he is still in there. He did not feel at home. Perhabs, this was the first time that he was inside the city flat, the voices of the cars also bothered him and he felt completely in a strange place. For a moment he began to miss his millitary days, his bed in there, his routine. At least that was a careless place, isolated from the grudge people of the sociaty.

He heard the door opening. That was Rashid. As he got inside Sharaf told him that his brother is inside. Rustam got up and waited for his brother to come inside and give him a brother hug of welcome. But, Rashid did not come. Rustam went outside and as Rashid saw him he smiled and said " Mother said you are sleeping and i did not want to disturb". He came closer and hugged Rustam. " What is new? How is your study" Rustam asked. " It is okey. I'm studying international relations" Rashid replied. " Girls must be less in that faculty compared to the others" said Rustam smiling. " You are right. We have just three girls and 25 boys at our group" Rashid said. "Don't mess my boy's mind! He does not care about the girls. He is just busy with his studies" said Sharaf very seriously. " He should care, mother. He is a young boy. These years will never come back" Rustam said again smiling. But, he felt that his mother was afraid of him to spoil Rashid with his thoughts. Rustam understood one very important thing at the first day of his arrival. He stuck into his brain that that was not his home! That was not his place! He had no home! He had to do something with life in order to have home, respect of his family and to have his own family also.

" When we can meet again?" He wrote to Sara. She answered approximately 10-12 minutes later. " I can get out from monday till friday everyday" she responded. He had 65 manats in his pocket left from the army. He received 25 manats of soldier's salary in there every months. He did not smoke and visited the civil cafe outside the military  building very rarely. He spent almost all of his money on internet. Therefore, he had 5 or 10 manats left from his monthly salary each time. He collected all of those money and had 65 manats when he came home. Before calling Sara, he called to the hotel at the international bus station and asked about the prices of the room. The price of standart double bed room costed 40 manats at least without breakfast. They would stsy in there 3 hours maximum and there was no need for breakfast. That was a 4 star hotel. There were many cheaper hotels for spending a few hours, but Rustam had never been in these kinds of situations and did not know such places. He asked Sara to go there tomorrow. " Go to our hotel tomorrow at 10:00 if you can". They both referred to that hotel as " our hotel" as that was the place where they started to meet.

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