Chapter 6

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  On monday Rustam began his first day in work. The supervisor of the security unit gave him the instructions, showed him the entire hotel. There were really pretty bombshells in there ,inside the working stuff. Rustam had never been inside such a group of fashionable girls. Most of the stuff girls smoked. Rustam just watched them in admiration while they were smoking. He did not look like a peasant by appearance, but he had spent much time in the city. He had been living in the rural area for almost 21 years and went to the military service. It is been less than s month that he had been living in the city. All of the security guards were older than him , but he looked older than them by appearance. Most of them were always discussing family issues, bank credits. These themes were unusual for Rustam. He was happy that he was not married and he was still 22 years old, away from all the grown up lifestyles. Confronting new people in there was quite useful for his social improving. He saw in there a new type of joke, approach against each-other between the workers almost everyday. A few groups of people came there everyday to have a dinner or supper in the Terrace restaurant inside the hotel. They were the usual guests which their entrance had to be provided immediately. Every single security guard had to know these guest by face and by their cars. Among the group were the girls also who came there in their luxury vehicles , joking like dudes while eating and of course smoking. A man with small height over 60 years old always came there with another girl, had a dinner, then his bodyguard took a room from reception and the small man spent less than half an hour with the girl inside the room and they got out afterwards. As a naive, temperament young person Rustam hated those girls inside. He did not talk with the other workers, always was quite, thinking about something. Rashad always called him during the dinner time and they sat together. He talked and smiled only with him. At the evening when he went home, he did not have energy to write Sara. After exchanging a few words, he always fell asleep.

It went 3 weeks like that.They usually gave him 2 day offs in a week. He preferred the day offs to be given consecutively. Sometimes the granted it, sometimes changed the schedule. Before the last dayoff he asked Sara for another meeting. He was a paid half of his salary after 3 weeks and could afford a double standart room at the hotel. He choosed the hotel in the bus station. That was the place where they met first on the day of his dismissal from the armed forces. He asked Sara to bring her old family photos. Having a sex with her and researching her family interested him equally. He wanted to see her younger version with her husband and daughter. They met in the morning a 11 in the morning. After the first sex, they began to watch the photos. The old family photos with her husband. He was swarthy man with big nose. Almost all of the photos were with her husband. " Where is your daughter?". She reluctantly flicked two photos from another pocket of her bag and threw on the bed. The photos were new. In one one of the photos she was with her daughter together and in another one her daughter was alone. She had an average height, also swarthy. Rustam could say she was either beautiful, or ugly. She was average in everything she had. " She looks like her father both in charakter and appearance" . " What's her name?" She laughed before answering. " i remember her father wanted to call her by his mother's name  when she was born. That was a typical local name. But, i was strongly against it and we did as i said". " So, what's her name?" " Her name is Sveta" . "What's your husband's name?". " What you will do with his name?" She asked gleaning. " Just curious". " His name is Mikael. We called him Misha in Russia when we got acquiented" she smiled while answering. Rustam frowned. " what the hell you smile every time while talking about him if you hate him so much?!". Sara suddenly frowned. " He is the father of my child. I don't hate him. He was just behaved as a pig towards me during all of these years" Rustam was a straighforward man without crook thoughts. But, he liked to check the reaction of the others by asking them hypothetical questions. " Would you like him to be dead?" Sara was shocked by this question. Rustam was crazier than he thought of him. " The god will punish him somehow someday. If it is a death, lit it be this way. But, i don't wish death to anyone" " i don't wish him death too. I asked if he dies accidently, will you be upset or not?". She did not give a respond this time. It was aleeady 4 o'clock afternoon and she said she had to go. " We should not force to our chances". That was her favourite phrase.

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