Chapter 5

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Next day in the morning Rustam wrote every details of his conversation with Sara to Rashad. Rashad unlike Rustam was very careful young man. He always thought about the consequences before doing anything. As Rustam told him everything about his relationship with that Sara, he began to feel a coming danger. " Be careful with her! I think she is trying to convince you to beleive to her tragic life. Every action has a reason. I still can not figure out what is her reason?!" Rashad wrote to Rustam. " She doesn't tell all of these to me volunterely. She tells me , because i ask her about it voraciously" . " But , why do you ask? Why you need to know all of these excess information about another family which you barely know a member of it?!" " I don't know. It is just interesting. She tells you today's events in there and you lie down and think what will happen tomorrow. Like a fucking tv show" . Rustam was smiling as he was writing these words. The existing situation began to scare Rashad. Rustam was as same daredevil, as he was in military service. They had get through many bad things together. He understood that Rustam was a hard person to get along with. He had no friends except Rashad. Therefore, did not want Rustam to get in troubles. He decided to find a job for Rustam. Thus, he would have something to concentrate on and stay away of the troubles. He approached to Human Resourses department member and gave information about Rustam. "He doesn't have a university degree, but he speaks both russian and english. We have served together our military service". " Tell him to create a CV for himself and send it to us" said HR member.Rashad was working as a cook  at Bulgarasso hotel. It was one the prestigious hotel network in the world. The salary was good enough to live a standart life especially for the young generation. Unfortunately, Rustam was away of the thoughts like to work, to settle in as a grown man. The invitation was quite unexpectable and as he did not have any money to spend and he did not want to ask his family for the money, he accepted the invitation.

He went to the job interview wearing an old suit of himself which had bought for the beginning date of the eleventh grade at high school. He was quite tall with 178 santimetres height, thin and athletic. He had been working out at least three times in a week additionaly to the regular military exercises during the army days. As he got inside the HR member of the hotel was impressed by his appearance immediately. He was very cool and silent during the interview. Did not stagger even once while answering the questions. His self-confidence stroke the HR members. He had never worked before and therefore did not have an experience in any field. Usually, the new beginners was appointed either as a waiter or receptionist. Rustam's tough appearance did not fit to neither of these positions. They immediately understood that he will not smile to every guests face as a receptionist or a waiter. He was almost fluent in both russian and english and made an impression of an educated man over them. He was accepted as a security guard at the hotel with relevant salary for the beginning. It was friday and they told him to be there on monday at 9 oclock to begin his first working day. On his way home he gave the information about acceptence to the job  to Rashad and of course to Sara. To Rustam's mind Sara was a good person if she met him in the bus station at the first day of his arrival from military service. She was nice to him, always answered the questions. Rustam enjoyed this obeyence. These feelings of controlling someone was unfamiliar to him until Sara. He also had not seen a good relationship towards himself from any woman. So, by speaking nice to him, Sara could achieve much more things from him.

As he got inside the flat, he immediately gave information about finding a job. Fortunately both his brother and mother were at home and they both heard the news. He was sure to impress them by this news. His mother of course ,was glad for him and a little bit impressed. It was out of the blue for her to hear this news. Rustam had just come from the army and she was not expecting him to find a job so soon and to find a job at all. Rustam felt Rashid's sarcastic glea when he told the news. He congratulated him, but Rustam saw the unusual sarcasm in his actions which no one could see. " A friend of mine had offered me to be a night watcher three times in a week for extra money, but i did not accept". " This is not a night watcher! This position called a security guard. The hotel is one of the luxerious in the world and bunch of educated people like you were doing their bests in order to be accepted. I was hired without any special attempt and education which you prefer so much in people" Rustam told Rashid as if was scalding him. Rashid knew Rustam's charakter very well. He kept his silence. After scolding Rashid, Rustam went oustside. He had not work out since he came back from the military service. As a muscular body promoted him to find a job, he decided to start working out again right after it. He went back home, collected his sport linens and went to the gym and spent the next 2 hours in there. He thought about everything in there while worked out. He began to make future plans, big amout of money, travelling abroad very often. He was a fanatic. He beleived he could make anything possible. But, he had troubles to appreciate his abilities while dreaming. He had too much self-confidence. In high school he beleived he could enroll in the university very easely. Too much self-confidence impeded him to evaluate his abilities. Thus, he was always disappointed by his abilities when he could not make it. After some time he used to forget about it and regained his self-confidence back.

At night he began again to chat with Sara. " There are many beautiful girls at the hotels. You will see them soon and forget about me" she wrote him as he had already told her about his new job.
"I want to meet you before i'll begin on monday. I won't have so much time after i get started" wrote Rustam without giving a reaction to her words.
Rustam did not have money for hotel room and he was kind of shy or too stubborn to ask a woman to rent a room for another time. Out of sheer optionless, he asked her to meet at her flat when her husband is gone for a day as he always did. " Meeting in my flat is dangerous. I don't know exatly when he will come. Sometimes he comes too early or sometimes too late". Rustam just did not know what to write. He just waited for 5 minutes. "There is staircase in our building , besides an elevator. Nobody uses that staircase. All the residents use the elevator. We can climb up to the 15th floor and no one will notice us there". Rustam knew she also was a daredevil like himself, but not to this degree. A worry to be seen while having a sex excited Rustam right away when he began to describe it. "Ok, i"ll be there tomorrow at 11 in the morning".

The next day when he went there, he came across with the commandator of the building. Rustam did not know that, the newbuilt houses had watchers and commendators. There were even 24 hours of camera observation in some of the buildings. He acted so confidently that, the commendator did not dare to ask him anything. His self-confidence was telling as if he is going to a friend of his. He climbed to the 15 floor with elevator and crossed to another side of the stairway. The place was very dusty. There were a few shovels in there. That was a long time since someone had stepped over there last time. He called her and told he reached the destination. About, 10 minutes after that he heard the sound of footsteps. That was her. Without make up, in dressing gown. She smiled as she saw Rustam. She had blue eyes and short hair. She seemed to Rustam prettier without make up. It was not just a sex. Rustam was glad to see her face, her smile and to feel her special scent. She hugged him tightly as always. "I'm so glad to see you, darling". That was the first time that a woman called him "darling". It was unusual for him, but he liked that. They began to kiss passionatly and he turned her around . She bent over and he pulled off her pants immediately. She began to sway as he was inside her. She swayed faster as he swayed back. He was so passionate that pulled her hair and began roughly to sway. He was right. Sex in there had more pleasure than in the flat. Her roaring voices added additional pleasure to the sex. They had a sex 3 times eventually. " Do you serve him when he comes home? Do you wash his clothes?" He asked as he wanted to leave. " I have been doing that for more than 20 years". " What if you will not do? What will happen?". Rustam felt a glea in her face. The age difference mattered in here. He did not know if she smiled ironically or she just liked him to care to her. " He will get mad and the quarrels will be more frequently" she said. " When was the last time that he had beaten you?". " why you ask these question? These things hapoens in every family. You don't set your mind in these things". " Just answer the fucking question!" Rustam shouted like a crazy. " Slow down! Someone will hear us" she worried strongly . " Give me the respond". " It was about 3 months ago. I don't give him a reason for that. Even if he begins to scold me, i don't pay attention especially when he is drunk". These words made Rustam extremely angry. A woman for the first time called me " darling" and she is being abused almost every day. He had a feeling as if he was ready to kill that mother fucker.
" He is quite old. Why don't he die?!" Rustam asked. She laughed after these words. Was not she scared from his temper or not, it is unknown. " His mother is almost 90 years old and she is healthier than i'm" she said continuing to smile. Rustam was confusion. She was very comfortable with her position. She was not hysterical at all. How she can be so calm if she has such a terrible life as she describes?!. How she can reconcile with that?! He was talking to himselft inside his brain. " i need to go back home. We should not force our chances so strongly" she said while Rustam was thinking to himself. " Ok, see you" . He hugged her too tightly for the first time since they began to meet. This meeting in the staircase impressed Rustam much more than compared to the previous ones. " I'will miss you" he said as he hugged her tighter. " "i'll miss you too" she said and went downstairs. Rustam sat down after she went and began to think. Something was bothering him inside and he could not figure out what was that exatly. As if he was in a mystical world. He could not think about anything else except Sara and her husband. He wanted to be releaved, but did not know how?!

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