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It's the night before Christmas and all through the Todoroki house hold the family is scrambling to get the final preparations ready for their dinner. A light snow is falling outside making it a white Christmas for the people of Japan. Soon a knock comes at the door. "I'll get it." Izuku says and walks out of the kitchen and to the main door and opens it, he is greeted by the sight of his girlfriend wearing Christmas themed outfits that complimented there bodies very well. "Hey girls." Izuku said with a smile.

"Hello Zuzu/Izu." They say and unison and hug him tightly and they are hugged back by Izuku.

"Come on in dinner is almost ready." Izuku says as he lets them go and steps aside so they can walk in. As he is about to close the door his phone rings and he looks down to see the caller ID. "Cornelia?" Izuku says quietly and steps outside before answering the call.

"Hello Cornelia, how are you?" Izuku asks as he leans on a column.

"Hello Izuku, I'm fine thank you for asking. How are you?" Cornelia asks

"I'm fine. I don't mean to sound rude but why are you calling me all of the sudden? You know what could happen if he finds out I'm alive." Izuku said.

"You're not being rude little brother. The reason I'm calling is because I wanted to say thank you for the gift, also there's some thing else I want." Cornelia said.

"Your welcome, and what's that?" Izuku asks a little curiously.

"Can you sing me my favorite Christmas song? Even though we haven't scene eachother in years because of what did, I'm sure you remember it don't you?" Cornelia asks a little annoyed do to the fact Izuku faked his death.

"Yes I remember." Izuku said and cleared his throat as he got ready to sing.

As Izuku sing Cornelia can't help but smile on the other end of the line. "Thank you brother that was wonderful, your singing has gotten better over the years." Cornelia says once Izuku finishes the song.

"Your welcome sister. Merry Christmas." Izuku says.

"Merry Christmas Izuku." Cornelia says and soon there's a coded knock on her door. "I have to go someone's coming." Cornelia says and hangs up.

Izuku smiles lightly as he puts his phone back into his pocket and looks out to the city with all its lights and freshly falling snow. He soon hears his name being called form the house and walks in.

(Super short compared to my one form yesterday, but I wanted to make this nice and simple.)

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