Middle School days part 2

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As the girls continue to fight for Izuku's attention, said greenette can't help to think to himself, 'Why me?' while Shoto laughs at his cousin's misfortune. A minute later the door swings open and in walks a male student with short blonde hair, blue eyes, and a look on his face that says: 'I'm better than all of you.' The student stops at the front of the class and clears his throat, getting all the other students' attention. Izuku stares at him and thinks: 'Where have I seen him before, he looks very familiar...'

"Hello everyone I'm Neito Monoma, I'm am the son of the Britannian ambassador to Japan as well as the grandson to a Britannian nobleman." Monoma says with a smirk on his face. Izuku's face pales, and he gets out of the girls' grips when they are distracted by Monoma's smug attitude as he introduced himself.

'Damn why is he here?! That bastard is still as smug as ever though.' Izuku thinks to himself as he walks over to Shoto. "We need to talk, don't say my name just follow me." He whispers in the other's ear. Shoto nods, and follows Izuku out of the classroom without Monama noticing.

"Shoto, remember when I told you we have to watch what we say?" Izuku asks.

"Mhm, why do you ask? Is it because of that kid?" Shoto asks in return.

"Yeah, it's because he isn't lying, he is the grandson of a Britannian nobleman, which makes him and his entire family nobles. Now more than ever we have to watch what we say." Izuku says.

Shoto and Izuku walk back into class and as soon as the greenette nears his desk he is grabbed by the girls. "Why did you leave?" They ask in unison giving him adorable pouting faces.

"Sorry, I had to talk to my cousin." Izuku says with a smile which makes each of them blush before they let him go.

"W-Well if that's the case, I don't have a problem." Momo says while blushing.

"Y-Yes, it sits well with me as well." Nemuri says as she looks down and twiddles her fingers, trying not to let Izuku see her blush.

"D-Diddo." Nejire says as she sits back down in her seat and looks out the window to calm her blush. Izuku takes his seat and lets out a sigh of relief before looking straight ahead at Monoma who is making his way to an empty desk when his eyes land on the greenette and he gets a little shocked.

'No way, it can't be, he does look like him, but that good for nothing sack of shit is dead, I might as well mess with his look-alike.' Monoma thinks to himself. Monoma makes his way over to Izuku and accidentally trips elbowing him in the right eye.

"MY EYE!" Izuku screams in pain and holds his eye.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!" The girls shout in unison as they see Izuku holding his eye.

"Oh, I'm sorry I guess his ugly face got in my way." Monoma says with a smirk.

Shoto stands up from his seat with a pissed off look on his face and grabs Monoma by his collar. "APOLOGIZE TO MY COUSIN, YOU ASS!" Shoto yells angrily as his quirk starts to seep out.

"I did apologize, I said that I was sorry that his ugly face got in my way." Monoma says with a smirk.

"YOU MOUTHY LITTLE PRICK!!" Shoto yells as he is about to punch the blonde prick, but he is stopped when Izuku grabs his arm.

"I'm fine Shoto, let him go." Izuku says as Shoto grunts and lets go of Monoma.

"Fine, I'm only doing this because you told me to, Izuku. But Monoma, know this, if you ever hurt my cousin again I'll turn you into ASH!!" Shoto shouts the last part as fire bursts out of his left hand for a moment before dissipating.

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