Battle training Pt:2

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"So Xenovia tell me, how have you been? You know with the anniversary and everything?" Cornelia asks as they walk into the ship and head to her room, and Ikki goes on to carry out his duties.

Xenovia holds her right arm with her left hand and looks to the side. "Truth be told I could be better no matter how long it's been it doesn't get any easier." Xenovia says

"I know what you mean. But I think it's harder on you than me, even though he was my brother, he was the boy you loved and you still do." Cornelia says with a smirk, as her and Xenovia walk into her room.

Xenovia gains a blush and steam comes out of her ears. "I-I don't know what you're talking about Princess." Xenovia says with a slight stutter.

"Sure you don't." Cornelia says with a smirk.

"What about you and Ikki?!" Xenovia asks and gets a very sweet smile from Cornelia in return.

"Tell anyone and they won't find your body, are we clear?" Cornelia asks and puts a hand on her sword, as a dark purple aura surrounds her.

"C-C-Crystal!" Xenovia says stuttering in fear.

"Good, if I'm not mistaken you're not the only one that loved Izuku, Stella Vermillion did too." Cornelia says.

"Yes she did and still does, dissipate the Marquess many protests she refuses to marry." Xenovia says.

'Izuku gets a Marquess daughter and I'm stuck with a Baron's son.' Cornelia thinks to herself. "Well that's good, we should get to bed, and don't ask why my Father is making us sail across the Atlantic Ocean to get to Japan." Cornelia says.

"Oh I almost forgot, his Majesty has removed Zechs Gremory as Prime Minister, your Eldest brother Prince Charles Zi Britannia the II, first Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire is the new Prime Minister." Xenovia says.

"What?! Charles is Prime Minister?! Damn it father you want Charles to acensen to the Throne when you pass from this world that badly?! Charles will most likely plunge us into anarchy!" Cornelia says as she walks to her desk and slams her hands.

(Back at U.A.)

Izuku and Nana are currently sitting on the first floor of the building adjacent to the one the villain team is in. Izuku is deep in thought making a plan, he has self taught himself on battle tactics, from the books he brought form the Empire when he was sent to Japan, his most favorite is The Art Of War.

Nana is deep in thought as well, but her thoughts are... less than productive. 'OMG, I'm with Izuku! This is the best day ever, and he looks so hot in his costume. And the way he looked at us, I could tell he wanted to see us out of our costumes, and I want to see him out of it too.' Nana thinks to herself and starts to feel her body heat up.

"Nana, are you ready, we will be starting soon." Izuku says, but he doesn't get a response as Nana is currently in dream land thinking about her and Izuku going at it like rabbits in heat, and she has a small line of drool coming from the right side of her mouth. Izuku sighs and walks over to her. 'Why do I have a feeling that I'm going to regret this?' Izuku thinks to himself. He stops in front of Nana and places his index finger under her chin and gently lifts her head up. He then leans in and kisses her.

Soon Nana's eyes shoot open wide as she realizes what's happening. 'OMG IZUKU IS KISSING ME!' Nana screams internally. Soon Izuku brakes the kiss and a string of saliva connects their lips.

(Meanwhile in the observation room.)

'Lucky~!' every girl except Tsu and Ochaco think at the same time.

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