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Izuku and Shoto are currently in the back of their limo on the way to school for the day. Izuku is lying down with his face Buried into the seat with a depressing aura around him, and Shoto is having a laughing fit at his cousin's misery. "Why me?" Izuku says, muffled and lets out a frustrated groan.

"I can't believe you got all but four females in our class to go out with you, and to top it off, you got a Pro hero crazy for you too, and you have been going on dates nonstop for the past few months." Shoto says while laughing hysterically.

Izuku gets up slowly and releases some killer intent that makes Shoto stop laughing. "Shoto, shut up or die." Izuku says with a very sweet smile on his face. Shoto can only nod frantically as the deadly aura becomes more potent. "Glad we understand each other." Izuku says.

"I swear if I continue to get girlfriends at this rate, I think my mom and auntie Rei will be going baby crazy." Izuku says and leans back in the sofa chair of the limo. Soon the limo comes to a sudden halt knocking Izuku and Shoto to the floor.

"Ok, what the fuck was the cause of that, Ms. Melissa?" Shoto asks, groaning in pain as he sits up and rubs his head. Izuku sits up and rubs his head too.

Melissa looks back at both of them to see if they are ok. "I'm so sorry, Shoto and Izuku, but a little girl ran into the street in front of the limo." Melissa says.

"Oh, no, is she ok?!" Izuku asks, worried, and starts to panic.

"Yes, I slammed on the breaks just in time." Melissa says.

"Thank goodness. I'm getting out to check on her." Izuku says and walks out of the limo before Melissa can say anything.

"I'm getting out too." Shoto says and follows his cousin.

'Fuck.' Melissa thinks to herself. "We need a secure perimeter now; Emerald and Swirl are out of the chariot." Melissa says over the radio.

"10-4." A man's voice says.

Izuku and Shoto make their way over to a little girl no more than six years old who is in the middle of the street crying. "Hey, their little one, are you ok?" Izuku asks and squats down to her eye level.

The little girl immediately gets up and runs into Izuku's chest. "P-please don't let him take me." The little girl says, crying.

"Calm down, little one your safe now, don't let who take you?" Shoto asks as he lets down to the girls' level as well.

Melissa makes her way over to them and sees the state of the girl. 'What happened to her? And why do I have this feeling that extreme danger is nearby?' Melissa thinks to herself and reaches for her radio, but before she can say anything, a mysterious voice comes from the alley.

"Eri, Eri, where are you?!" The voice says and slowly starts to come into view of Izuku, Shoto, and Melissa. Eri buries her face into Izuku's neck and shakes uncontrollably from the fear. A man that appears to be in his early 30s, with short shaggy brown hair, gold eyes, pale skin, wearing black pants, a black shirt with a white-gray tie, white shoes, a green coat with purple fur around the neckline, and a plague Doctors mask comes out of the ally and looks right at Eri.

Once the man is in full view, Melissa's eyes widened in shock. "Get behind me now!" She yells to Izuku and Shoto, who comply immediately, never seeing her act this way before. "I need backup now!" Melissa yells into her raído and quickly draws her pistol and aims it at the man.

"Oh, Eri, there you are. I'm so sorry my daughter got away from me." The man says and starts to get closer but stops when Melissa fires a shot right in front of the man's foot.

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