End of a Rebellion-(1781)

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Yorktown,Virginia-(September 1781)
The sounds of canon fire , shouting and the impact of canon balls could be heard throughout the camp. The thick smoke covered the area that one could barely see their own hand in-front of them. In the command center in the very back of the American lines Gorge Washington and many members of his staff are discussing the battle.

"General Washington the bombardment of the British defenses is counting as planned we estimate that we will have the British completely drained with in a month." Henry Knox said.

"Excellent news General Knox. Make sure your artillery crews continue their bombardment we must continue to press our attack ." Gorge Washington said.

Before any of his officers could respond the door to the office burst open and a Soldier runs in. "NEWS FROM THE FRONT!" He yells causing everyone present to turn and look at him.

"Speak soldier." Baron Von Steuben says.

"Bad news sir, we have an entire British fleet and armies approaching !" The soldier yells

"What soldier do you have rough count?" Lafayette says.

"Yes General rough count for the ships is 70 warships." The soldier says.

"70 warships mon dieu." Rochambeau says.

"And what of the armies?" Washington says.

"Unknown sit our scouts cleared out before they could get a count." The soldier says.

"What should we do?" Alexander Hamilton says.

"Without knowing the size of the forces marching towards us we can't determine a proper course of action, for now distribute, our forces evenly by our flanks but leave the cannons were they are." Washington says .

"Yes sir." The soldier said and ran off to carry out his orders.

(Time skip a few hours later.)

By now the British fleet had arrived and was currently engaging the French fleet in the Chesapeake Bay and it was horrible the non stop fire of naval guns is heard and much of the French fleet was heavily damaged.

Elsewhere on the field of battle the fortified flanks of American lines were waiting for the British force currently marching towards them and soon the drums and fifes were heard as the British forces were now close enough.

"GRENADIERS!" An American Sargent yelled.

"Can you get a count Sargent?" An American Lieutenant asked.

"No sir wait they have stopped there March I think the Commanding officer is coming up." He says

On a white horse a Highly Decorated British General with an early megaphone comes out just I front of his men.

"Attention Rebels this is General George Von Britannia, under my command is the fleet of 70 warships, 80,000 men and over 300 cannons

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"Attention Rebels this is General George Von Britannia, under my command is the fleet of 70 warships, 80,000 men and over 300 cannons. Lay down your arms and you will be shown mercy and be given a fair trial , if you continue to resist His Majesties rule you will be shown no mercy. You have five minutes to decided. " General Britannia says

(Five minutes later.)

"Sir I see something." A British Lieutenant says and out in the distance they can see the Americans coming out of their camp with their hands in the air and a white flag being carried by Gorge Washington.

"Sir the French fleet has also raised its white flag!" A British Sargent says.

Gorge Von Britannia couldn't help but smile. "Gentlemen this rebellion is over God save king Gorge!" He says.

"God save King Gorge!" The entire army says over and over.

Soon the General and his staff started to sing a song

(Sorry for the short chapter but wanted to give you guys a little something in the meantime.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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