Entrance exam

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The morning of the UA entrance exam quickly arrived, Izuku and Shoto are currently in the dining room eating their breakfast. "You nervous Izuku?" Shoto asks as he takes a sip of his orange juice.

"No, I don't get nervous about things like this." Izuku replies as he takes a bite of his pancakes.

Shoto snickers a little. "Is that the Britannian in you talking?" He asks. Izuku sighs and looks at Shoto.

"I haven't been called that in years." He says and looks out the window.

"Hey we should get going, or we are going to bet late." Shoto says.

(Scene change Outside U.A.)

"Welp, no turning back now." Izuku says as he looks at Shoto. As they start to walk on the campus, they hear some call out to them.

"HEY, YOU EXTRAS!" A teen with ash blonde hair calls out to them. Izuku and Shoto stop in their tracks and look at the teen.

"Are you talking to us?" Shoto, asks a little annoyed having to deal with another blonde prick.

"OF COURSE HALF AND HALF!" The teen yells.

"Just tell us what you want pineapple." Izuku says as he holds Shoto back.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?!" The teen yells and sets off small explosions in his hands.

"I called you a pineapple. It's only fair that I insult you after you insult us. Now, what do you want?" Izuku says and glares at the teen.


"Yeah if you call being unconscious under control." Shoto says under his breath and Izuku snickers. "Let's go Shoto, or we might not find any seats." He says, and they start to walk away.

Shoto notices that a girl with brown hair is about to fall. He quickly runs to her and catches her. "Are you alright, Miss?" Shoto asks and then looks at the girl, after taking in her beauty for a bit he blushes.

"Y-Yes I'm fine thank you for catching me. My name is Ochako Uraraka." The girl says with a slight blush on her face and bows.

"No need to bow, I just did what anyone would do. My name is Shoto Todoroki, and that's my cousin Izuku Midoriya." Shoto says and points behind him to Izuku.

Unknown to the two teens, Izuku has taken a picture of them and sent it to his mother and Aunt Rei. 'Payback is bitch Shoto.' Izuku thinks to himself. "Hey Romeo, bring Juliet with you or we're going to be late." Izuku says as he walks past the two teens who blush and quickly follow along.

(Inside the auditorium.)

"Excuse me, are these seats taken?" Izuku asks a teen with black hair, gray eyes, a figure that's on par with Momo's, and a mole under her lower lip on her right side.

"N-No, i-it's not." the teen says with a blush as she takes in Izuku's features.

"Thank you. My name is Izuku Midoriya, that's my cousin Shoto Todoroki, and his 'girlfriend' Ochako Uraraka." Izuku says as he sits down next to the teen.

"She, not my girlfriend, Izuku." Shoto mumbles in embarrassment as he sits next to his cousin.

"Not yet, anyway." Izuku whispers.

"I'm Nana Shimura." The now named Nana says with a smile and reaches her hand out to Izuku. Izuku smiles back and reaches his hand out, making Nana blush slightly at the sight of his smile.

Soon a pair of pink arms gently wrap around Izuku's neck. "Hey there handsome, I'm Mina Ashido." Mina whispers into Izuku's ear which causes him to blush lightly but due to him having three girlfriends he has become a little bit of flirt.

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