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(Holy Britannian Empire; 2 weeks after Izuku's four birthday.)

"I'm sorry, your Excellencies, but it appears that the young Prince doesn't appear to have a quirk. It must be because he's a half-blood." The Doctor Says. Inko Britannia, one of the Emperor's wives, hugs her son with lots of grief and starts to cry.

"I'm so sorry, Izuku." She says.

The Emperor looks at Izuku and Inko with disgust and scoffs. "Tch, what a disappointment. I thought with my blood flowing in his veins, he would get a powerful quirk, but thanks to him being half-blood, that idea is out the window." The Emperor says as he gets up.

"Doctor, take this useless piece of trash to your laboratory and do with him as you wish. See if you can get him to manifest one or get him a power. I don't care what methods you use." He says and grabs Izuku by the hair and tosses him to the floor.

Inko looks at him, shocked. "You can't be serious, my love! He's your son! He's our son!" She yells at him. This only gets her a slap to the face.

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, YOU USELESS WOMAN! I DO WITH HIM AS I WISH! AND BE LUCKY I DON'T HAVE YOU EXECUTED FOR BRINGING SUCH A USELESS CHILD INTO THIS WORLD!!" The Emperor yells at her and walks out of the room while being followed by Inko, who is calling to him.

Izuku is being held by his arm by the smiling doctor. "MOMMY! DADDY! PLEASE COME BACK!" Izuku calls out to his parents. The doctor smiles and looks at him with an insane look in his eyes. "Let's go and have some fun, you useless child." The doctor says. "N-No....p-please....n-no," Izuku says shakily.

(Scene change; Lab)

"So the half-blood Prince is quirkless?" Scientists 1 asks.

"Of course, he is. His mother is Japanese." Scientist 2 says.

"But to the public, she is a full-blooded Britannian, the only ones who know the truth are the nobles." The lead scientists says.

"Well anyway, the Emperor has given his blessing to do with the Prince as we please." The Doctor says while grinning evilly.

"Well, I think we should start the first test, pain endurance. We can't harm his neck or face. Who knows, he could still be useful for a political marriage." The Doctor says. He takes off Izuku's shirt and ties him down to the table.

"Now, What should we start with?" Scientists 1 asks.

"Let's start with a simple kitchen knife." Scientists 3 says. He grabs the knife and presses it against Izuku's skin, and drags it across his chest.

Izuku cries out in pain as they use different blades and cut his chest, back, arms, and legs. "I think that's enough for today, and we don't want our 'wonderful prince' to die on us. The Doctor says as he dumps salt water mixed with lemon juice all over Izuku, making him cry out in pain once more.

"Take him to a cell so he can rest." The Doctor commands, and two scientists come and undo the straps before dragging him to a cell. They toss him in and lock the door.

"Look at it this way, young Prince. You're still helping the Empire... by being our personal lab rat." Scientist 5 says while laughs as she walks off with Scientist 6.

(With Inko.)

Inko is currently in one of the Palaces libraries crying; she doesn't notice Izuku's sister, Cornelia Li Britannia the lll, walks into the library. She walks over to Inko. "Lady Inko? What's wrong?" She asks.

Inko looks at her and wipes the tears from her eyes.
"Oh, Princess Cornelia, it's nothing. I'm just feeling a little sad, that's all." Inko says as she gets up and walks out with tears still streaming down her face.

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