Meeting the new family

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Izuku is currently fast asleep in the car that his in with his mother and the Prime Minister. "I think this is the first time on 4 years he has gotten to take a proper nap." Inko says and smiles. "He did mention he had a rough 4 years when he contacted me." The P.M. says. "Rough is a bit of an understatement." Inko says and looks at the man. "What do you mean, by that?" He asks puzzled. "Well, you see when me and my husband found out Izuku was quirkless, he ordered the Doctor to experiment on him, and use any means necessary." Inko says sadly.

The Prime Minister looks shocked and saddened, he clenches his fists tightly. 'Damn that man, why did I.....' he's broken from his thoughts when the driver gets his attention. "Prime Minister, we have arrived." The driver says as he pulls into the driveway of the manor. "Thank you very much." The P.M. says and looks over at Inko. "You should probably wake him up, we are at the house where you'll be staying." He says to Inko, she nods and gently shakes Izuku awake. "H-huh, what's going on?" Izuku asks sleepily. "We have arrived at the house Izuku." She says. "O-oh ok." He says.

They get out of the car, and Izuku gets their bags. "So you said you had a grandson around my age, I believe you said his name is Shoto Todoroki." Izuku says as they walk over to the door. "Yes that's right, I have a total of three grandsons and one granddaughter." P.M. Midoriya says. "So are we going to meet all of them and their parents?" Izuku asks. The Prime Minister knocks and the door and then takes a deep breath and sighs. "You'll meet them, but only meet one parent, their father." He says. "What about their mother, did she die?" Izuku asks curiously.

"No, she's alive, but she's in a mental hospital, her husband drove her mad, and she burnt the left side of Shoto's face." The Prime Minister says sadly. Inko hearing this tenses up but is careful not to show it. The door opens, and Fuyumi is standing in the doorway with a smile on her face. "Hello grandfather, how are you?" She asks with a smile on her face. "I'm fine, Fuyumi, how are you?" He asks. "I'm fine as well." She says. She then looks at Inko and Izuku. "Grandfather, who are they?" She asks as she points at them.

"I would rather explain it to everyone at the same time, can you please tell everyone to meet us in the living room?" He asks. "Yes Of course grandfather, come on in, and I'll get everyone." She says and walks off. They all walk in and head to the living room, "Please both of you take a seat." He says as he sits on a couch and motions for Izuku and Inko to sit. They take their seats and wait for everyone to show up.

After about 5 minutes, everyone walks in and look at Izuku and Inko with confusion. "Hey old man who are these people?" Enji Todoroki asks angrily. "Now, now Enji is that any way to talk to your father-in-law and the Prime Minister?" P.M. Midoriya asks way to sweetly. "N-no, p-please f-forgive me." Enji says a little scared. "Your forgiven, and to answer your question this is your sister in law Inko, and your nephew Izuku, they left Japan, not long after Izuku was born, and they have been living abroad for the past 8 years, that's why you have never met them. Well, that's the cover story." He says. Enji then notices a strange look on Inko's face.

"Shoto, take Izuku on a tour of the estate, me and your siblings have to talk to your aunt and grandfather." Enji says. Shoto nods, " Izuku follow me if you please." Shoto says. "Sure thing Todoroki ." Izuku says and walks out of their room with Shoto. Enji looks at them leave the room. "Good there gone now let's talk." Enji says. The Prime Minister and Inko take a deep breath, "Very well." They say in unison.

(With Shoto And Izuku.)

"This is the dojo where me and my 'father' do training." Shoto says, putting a strain on the word father. "You too, huh?" Izuku asks. "What do you mean by me too?" Shoto asks in a monotone way. "Well you see I also dislike, no I feel like that doesn't fit, I think hate is a better word, I hate my 'father' so much." Izuku says the word father with so much venom it sends a shiver down Shoto's spine. "I don't mean to pry, but why do you hate him so much?" Shoto asks. Izuku sighs, "I can tell you hate your father as well, just by the way you say the word." Izuku says. "But I'm sure you want a real explanation don't you?, well when that bastard found out I was quirkless, he ordered a Doctor to experiment on me, and use any means necessary." Izuku says and grunts at the memories.

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