Quirk Apprehension Test

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"Izuku, do you think Eraserhead is onto us, I mean we were the first ones to grab the P.E. uniforms, and we are already done changing." Shoto says as he closes his locker.

"I think so, we have to be on guard though, Eraserhead is a very smart person, if anything we have to go all out and use that." Izuku says as he lowers the sleeves of the PE uniform down. He and Shoto soon walk out of the locker room and see Tsugumi and Lim waiting on them. "Let's go." Izuku says and as his group starts to walk away they see the rest of 1-A heading towards the locker rooms.

(Outside in the field.)

Izuku and his group walk out and see Aizawa in his sleeping bag looking right at them with a face that's filled with questions. "What is it Eraserhead?" Shoto and Izuku ask in unison.

"Wow, being related to Endeavor has made you two sharp." Aizawa says. "So I wanted to know why you were so quick to grab the uniforms and change." Aizawa asks and rolls over to look at the sky.

Izuku sighs and sits on the floor. "I had a very troubled past, I won't go into any detail until I'm sure I can trust you." Izuku says and Aizawa simply nods. "You zombie." Lim says bluntly and looks at Aizawa with her bored face. Aizawa looks at her with an annoyed face. "What did you call me?" Aizawa asks growing angry.

"I called you a zombie, and stop trying to intimidate me, it won't work. I just wanted to let you know that you better not get in our way when we are trying to do our jobs. One of your students is already throwing up red flags, if he tries to harm the young sirs we will intervene, understand?" Lim asks coldly and Aizawa just nods in agreement feeling the air of menace she is letting out.

(Meanwhile boys locker room)

"Yo did you guys see those two guys walk in with those babes?" A teen with red hair asks.

"Yeah and then the guy with the curly/straight green hair mix went to kiss three girls on the cheek." A teen with yellow hair and a black lighting bolt says.

(AN: Izuku has a combination of his hair and Schneizel's hair)

"Yeah, what do you think is going on there?" A teen with tape dispensers for elbows says.

"Lucky bastard, he must have a harem." A very short teen with purple balls for hair says crying tears of blood.

"WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT THOSE EXTRAS!!" Bakugo says angrily.

'This guy is a serious ass.' A teen with multiple arms says.

(Same time girls locker room)

"So what's the story with the three of you and Midori?" Mina asks

"Midori? Oh you mean Zuzu/Izu!" Momo, Nemuri, and Nejire say in unison.

"Yeah him." Nana asks and stand in front of Momo looking at her.

"Well you see the thing is that he is our boyfriend." Momo says and rubs the back of head nervously.

"WHAT?!" All the girls asks in unison.

"He's our boyfriend, do you girls want him as well?" Nemuri asks with a smirk and licks her lips.

"No, I'm actually interested in someone else kero." A girl with frog like features says.

"Same here I'm actually interested in Todoroki." Ochaco says.

"What about the rest of you?" Nejire asks.


"Gotta go bye." All the other girls say and run out of the room.

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