Chapter 1

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Her sweet giggles echoed through the dark alley. The young couple were blissfully unaware of my presence. My arrow poised against the wooden bow.

She giggled again as the young Edmund Muller pulled her closer to his body. He was engulfed in her fur coat and perfume. Despite her clothing taste, he was madly in love with her but was terrified.

This young woman was the daughter of a wealthy business man in London, any man who won her heart also won her father's money once he passed. But it was never about the money for him, all he wanted was young Jane Warwick.

He spun her around so her back was to my position, perfect. I lifted the bow and applied pressure to the thin string. Before she could take a step back, i released the pressure. The arrow soared through the air and hit her square between the shoulders sending a shiver down her spine.

Humans never felt pain when they were hit with an arrow. It simply send a shiver down their spine.

Jane leaned forward and initiated the kiss much to Edmund's surprise. I smiled as the sound of adrenaline pulsing through their veins reaches my ears.

Satisfied with my work, i turned the dial on my brown leather wrist clasp.Each apprentice had a leather wrist clasp on their left arm to mark them as property of Cupid.

The air around me filled with a white mist before clearing only seconds later, leaving me standing on Cloud 9, Cupid's residence as well as every apprentice. We each shared a small apartment with our partner outside of Cupid's house.

We were to report to him every time we put a couple under the influence of the arrow.

I pulled the worn scrapbook from my knapsack before walking through the wrought iron gates of Cupid's mansion. The lawn was scattered with apprentice pairings picking out their next possibilities.

Hannah was no where to be seen, it's most likely she was still working on her project, an older couple in Moscow.

I walked through the enormous front doors and towards the admissions desk in the center of the foyer.

"Evening Lila, go straight through. He's expecting you." The young girl at the desk said with a bright smile. I nodded and walked through the empty corridors towards his large office.

I knock twice on the solid wooden door,

"Come in." His magical voice floated through the thick wood.

I opened the door to see him standing at his window overlooking the occupied lawns.

"Evening Lila." He turned to face me with his breathtaking smile. I smiled slightly in return,

"Evening Sir." He made his way to his desk and took a seat.

"I assume that everything went well?" I nodded and handed him the scrapbook.

Before we influence a couple we must make a log on their interactions with photos and detailed notes. I keep mine in this scrapbook, it contains every couple i have ever influenced. Including Jane and Edmund.

I fiddled with my necklaces as he studied my research. He closed the book and sat in on the desk in front of him. His expression was unreadable, i couldn't tell whether he was pleased with my work or didn't think the couple was meant to be. I gave me a small smile,

"This is very well done Lila, I'm impressed." I sighed with relief.

He stood up and pulled me into a hug,

"Are you alright Lila?" That's what i love about him, he is like a father to me. I gave him a small smile and nodded,

"Yea I'm alright." He frowned but didn't press any further. Its not my fault that i don't talk much, don't share my emotions.

 "That will be all thanks Lila. Hannah will be back tomorrow evening so you have the day off tomorrow." I nodded and left the room. I made my way to the apartment i shared with Hannah.I dumped my knapsack on my bed and looked around my room.

i lay on the soft mattress sitting on the floor, staring intently at the blank ceiling.

My job is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, i love it so much. But i can't help but feel like i want to be the person on the receiving side. To fall in love with a mortal man and grow old together. But angels are forbidden to fall in love. We grow old together, I've been 20 since 1797, the year I died. Cupid rescued my troubled soul and saved me.

I am in eternal debt, a debt I don't want to repay.

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