Chapter 7

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Sorry, its not very long :/ Its all i could fit into the one chapter without ruining the next..

Lila’s POV

I swallowed deeply before knocking hastily on the familiar, wooden door.

“Come in,” Cupid’s bored voice flowed through the wood. I hesitantly opened the door to see him standing at the window staring out across the lawn.

“Take a seat please Lila.” I inhaled shakily before sitting on one of the large, white sofas placed in front of his desk.

He turned and took a seat in front of me resting his elbows on the desk staring at me intently.

“How long as this young man been able to see you?” I shrugged,

“About 2 weeks.” Cupid nodded before turning towards his large bookshelf and removed a book.  I leant back into the sofa enjoying the softness of the cool fabric against my hot skin.

“It says here that you’ve been researching this young man for several months, is that true?” I nodded and watched as his lips pursed into a frown.

“Why is he able to see you?” I sighed and sat forward,

“His girlfriend of 3 years broke up with him after falling pregnant to another man. He was about to propose to her when she broke the news.” He winced and placed the book on the desk.

“That is very harsh, but I do feel that maybe some female friends would be good for him. Get him to earn their trust again.” I nodded and smiled as he continued,

“But I don’t mean you.” My smile falters and my heart shattered, “

Wh-what?” Cupid sighed, “I can’t allow you to be seen by this man again.”

I jumped to my feet,

“You can’t do that.” He stared at me blankly, his cold eyes boring through my skull.

“I can and I will. Lila it is unhealthy for you and forbidden. I see the way you look at this young man and I can’t let you do this.”

  frowned and through my arms in the air,

“What look? What am I doing that is so bad?” Cupid stood up in anger,

“You are falling in love with a mortal! How do you not see how wrong this is? Your job is to find him the ideal partner, not to give yourself to him. You can’t fall in love with him Lila, what happens when his heart allows him to love again? He will never be able to see you again! How do you think that will affect him? I don’t want to see you living with the guilt of destroying all hope he builds up to only have it torn down again by an apprentice.”

I stared at him with tears streaming down my face,

“He saved my life! He saved me from losing the innocence I have rebuilt over the past 200 years.” Cupid’s eye’s widened,


“I’ve been in London for the past 4 weeks watching and observing him. Then last night I was walking through an alley when a drunk man grabbed my wrist. He tried to take me away but Ed found us and scared the man away. He took me home and calmed me down allowing me to sleep without the fear of that man.” He sighed and sat down again resting his head in his hands.

“God knew that I needed a saviour and He sent Ed. Ed decided to get some air from signing and was in the alley when he heard me scream for help. If he wasn’t there who knows what that man would have done to me. Maybe God wants me to be with Ed, I want to be around him. But why don’t you?” I was screaming at him now with tears still streaming. When he didn’t reply I chocked back a sob and fled from his office.

I reached my cottage and flung myself onto my bed in a fit of tears. I curled into a ball and sobbed until I had nothing left within me. I couldn’t lose Ed, he was everything I wanted in a companion. I never realised that what I was feeling was love. Maybe all I needed was Cupid’s conformation before I assumed anything.

But there was no way I was letting Ed go. The only problem being that if Ed somehow managed to fall for me, he wouldn’t be able to see me anymore. The man in the alley clearly couldn’t care less about love so he resorted to stealing young women’s innocence.

The idea of not having Ed in my life brought tears to my eyes again. I hadn’t realised how deep these feelings were, goodness I’ve only officially known him for 2 weeks. When in reality I know nearly everything about him from his most embarrassing moment to his favourite colour to his celebrity crush. I wasn’t giving up on him, no way.

I heard the front door open and close. The sound of Hannah’s light weight heels clicking against the soft floorboards echoed through the near silent house. I held my breath so she wouldn’t know I was here, I couldn’t bare to face her. I knew she would side with Cupid, because apparently I have poor judgement and make quick, unrational decisions.

Her footsteps continued until I heard her bedroom door close, probably resting after completing another project. Oblivious to my suffering of the internal battle within my mind.

Is this how I’m destined to spend the rest of my life? Regretting the decision to ever meet Ed? Surely I was marked for a reason? I mean God wouldn’t send me that dream unless there was a reason. I couldn’t risk hurting Ed, maybe that means it ends up killing me.

Is this what love is? Destroying yourself to keep the other safe? Losing all hopes of happiness to keep one happy? I always dreamed of falling in love, but I never imagined it would feel like this. Feel like my heart is shattering in shards of glass ready to puncture my soul. I never thought that a mortal could be death of me.

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