Chapter 15

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The much awaited chapter is now here :) Sorry it took so long guys xx

Lila’s POV

I sat on the edge of Michael’s bed as he tried to calm a pacing Hannah who was freaking. She was distraught and refused to talk to me. She was sobbing into her hands and wasn’t talking to anyone, refusing to even look at me.

I continued to stare at the floor boards she was relentlessly pounding beneath her feet. A sigh escaped my lips as I rest my head against my hands, I was exhausted. Hannah’s feet stopped abruptly causing my eyes to fly open as I looked towards her feet.

“Lila?” I looked up to meet her watery eyes, make up streaming down her normally pale cheeks.

“Yes?” She smiled weakly and opened her arms inviting for a hug. I smiled and stood up walking into her waiting embrace. Her arms wrapped around my shoulders and her head nuzzled against the side of my neck,

“I was so scared Lila. Cupid announced your light had gone off and I didn’t know what happened. I was so confused and so scared, I thought a dark angel had killed you. None of us were expecting it, we didn’t realise that it was that serious. Cupid locked himself away grieving, he blamed himself for everything you went through. He never realised how…”

“Hannah stop,” She pulled away frowning,


“Don’t tell me what Cupid feels, he needs to tell me himself. Don’t let him do that to you.” She nodded and sniffled.

“I need to see him.” I looked her dead in the eyes praying she knew what I meant. She smiled,

“Go to him, he’s a mess.” I smiled and pressed a kiss to my best friend’s cheek,

“I’ll see you soon.”

It was weird walking down the streets of London and actually having people able to see you. Instead of having people walk through my silhouette, they bumped into me and walked around me. It was so surreal.

My outfit now consisted of a pair of black skinny jeans with a white tank top and a black leather jacket, compliments of Michael. On my feet was a pair of weathered white converse that looked a shade of brown after finding them in a trash can near Michaels apartment. A black beanie was thrown over my mess of a hair style.

I slowly approached Ed’s apartment building where I knew he was, I could feel it. Cupid had given me permission to reveal my secret to Ed hoping that he would understand why everything that happened did.

Before I know it I’m at the front door with hand poised against the cold wood. From beyond the door I could hear Ed’s voice along with another that sounded strangely familiar.

“Ed please, you need to get out of here. You have enough songs for a new album so why don’t you come record them?” I heard a grunt and then Ed’s voice spoke up,

“Because they are all about her Haz, I can’t sing them without thinking about her.” I smiled and knocked softly on the wood silencing the voices within.

It was several moments before I heard any movement towards the door. The door swung open and a tired looking Harry stood before me. His hair was a mess showing he had just woken. He was wearing a pair of black sweats and a white shirt. He smiled weakly though his eyes showed pure exhaustion,

“Can I help you miss?” I smiled,

"I was actually looking for Ed, is he taking visitors?” Harry smiled gently,

“Yea but I wouldn’t expect to get many words out of him. He’s a mess since Lila died.” I shook my head,

“That’s what I’m here to tell him.” Harry shot me a hopeful glance,

“You mean she’s alive?” I extended my hand

“Lila Anderson, nice to meet you.” His face lit up in a massive smile revealing a small dimple in his cheek.

“You are officially my favourite person in the world right now, please come in. I’ll go tell him there is someone to see him.” I smiled and grabbed his hand kissing his cheek,

“Thank you, I was worried you wouldn’t let me in.” he shook his head,

“Not when there is a chance to make Ed smile,” and with that he disappeared into the living room. I stood awkwardly at the front door listening as Harry explained he had a visitor.

Harry appeared not long after with a small smile,

“he’s in the living room, I told him you had more information about your death. Wow that sounded weird.” I smiled,

“Thank you Harry,” He frowned,

“How do you know my name?”

“Ed told me all about you, plus I saw you that day at Bexley park after Claire broke up with him.” He nodded still slightly confused,

“I’ll explain later.” I made my way to the living room door and peered through to see my favourite red haired man sitting on the couch with guitar in hand strumming mindlessly as he stared at the blank wall in front of him.

“You know, when you have a guest you really should clean up a little,” I stated making him jump. He turned to face me and his jaw dropped. I waved,

“Hi Ed,” Tears welled in his eyes and he dropped his guitar,

“Is that really you? Or am I having another hallucination?” I chuckled and stepped closer until we were inches apart.

“I’m really here, I never died.” He jumped to his feet pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his body inhaling his sweet scent.

He smelt of oranges and vanilla, it was incredible. It wasn’t until I felt a small drop hit the bare skin of my neck did I realise he was crying.

I pulled back and looked into his watery blue eyes,

“It’s ok Ed, I’m right here.” He smiled,

“Lila, can I try something?” I nodded softly knowing where he was going with this. He leant forward and pressed his lips to mine. A warm tingling sensation flew down my spine as he pulled me closer against his body.

His lips nudged mine and they moved together like wildfire, it was enchanting. I felt his tongue press against my bottom lip and I hesitantly parted my lips allowed his tongue to explore my mouth.

My first kiss was given to Ed, and I loved every second of it.

We stood there for what seemed to be hours when Harry cleared his throat from the doorframe causing us to jump apart earning a smirk from Harry.

“Sorry to interrupt the party but Ed, Stuart is here.” Ed sighed and pressed a quick kiss to my lips,

“I’ll be right back, in the meantime, please don’t leave.” I smiled,

“I’m not leaving you anytime soon.”

Angels will Fly || Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now