Chapter 10

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Lila’s POV

I stood out the front of Michael’s house smirking as I heard the familiar voice of Hannah floating through the open window. Hannah and Michael had always been close but lately, it seemed like there was something more to their friendship. Love, perhaps?

I heard her giggle again so I decided now would be a great time to investigate. I walked through the back door and through the house as I usually did.

Michael always kept the back door unlocked so Hanna and I could come and go as we please, Hannah used it more than I ever did. I smirked at the thought of Hannah and Michael, maybe they were in love. Like the way I loved Ed.

As I made my way through the house towards Michael’s room everything went quiet. I stopped dead in my tracks and frowned, not hearing a thing. Then there was a slight puckering sound and Hannah giggled.

My eyes widened and my hand flew to my mouth, they WERE serious. And she had the nerve to tell me that I was taking a risk falling for Ed.

I pulled out the invisibility dust that Payten left for me and sprinkled it across me so they wouldn’t see me. I stopped and stood at the door with a smirk.

Hannah was sitting on his knee staring into his eyes with her forehead resting against his. I felt like ruining the moment but instead I moved quietly and sat on the floor in the middle of the room.

Both were oblivious to my presence and leant in for another kiss. I stifled a gag as Michael initiated a heated kiss. I saw the slightest flicker of tongue and that’s where I drew the line.

With a turn of a dial the invisibility dust wore off and I was visible, for those who weren’t wrapped up in making out.

“Well so much for nothing more than friends,” Both heads snapped around so fast I would be surprised if they didn’t get whiplash. Hannah blushed furiously while Michael smirked.

“How long have you been there?” Hannah said as her flamed cheeks faded. I smirked,

“Long enough to know that there is no way you two are just friends.”

Michael linked his fingers between Hannah’s with a light shake of the head,

“I asked her to be my girlfriend about a month ago.” My jaw sagged nearly hitting the carpet,

“A month!” I screeched jumping to my feet,

“A month and you never told me!” Hannah grimaced shooting a glare at Michael,

“I wanted to tell you but I wanted the whole Ed thing to settle first.”

I glared at her,

“Yea its settled, he thinks I’m dead!” She gasped dropping Michael’s hand,

“What? What happened?” I bit back the tears,

“Cupid made it out that I had been killed in a car accident posting it on the front page of The Times. Of course he used a photo of me so Ed recognised me.” I couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Hannah sighed and stood,

“What is there for us to do?” I shook my head,

“Nothing, I wrote him a letter and now he thinks I’m his ‘guardian angel’, Payten’s idea.”

“Will you ever tell him the truth?” Michael piped up earning a glare from Hannah. I shrugged,

“Tell him that I’m an apprentice of Cupid sent to find him a perfect match but no, I fell in love with him so Cupid forbade me from speaking to him thus breaking his healing heart.” Michael’s face fell,

“Do you want me to go see him? Try talk to him?” Both mine and Hannah’s face lit up,

“Really?” He nodded uncertainly,

“I could try see what he’s feeling, let him know that I knew you and tell him we could grieve together.”

Hannah was now nodding madly,

“That could work, that way we could really see what he feels for Lila.” I rolled my eyes,

“Guys you’re forgetting one major thing.” They looked at each with a confused expression,

“What?” I refrained from throwing my hands into the air,

“Cupid.” Hannah dismissed the thought with a flick of her wrist,

“He can’t monitor what Michael does, he doesn’t care for what our mortals do.” Michael huffed and pouted earning a soft kiss from Hannah. Again I chocked back a gag.

“Anyway, when can you do this?” Michael grinned,

“Give me a time and place I’ll be there.” I nodded, “Let’s get this sorted.”

A simple letter for Ed was all it took to set up the meeting,

My dearest Ed,

At 11 o’clock tomorrow morning come to the small diner of Draught Lane. There will be a young man named Michael there who wishes to speak with you, don’t be afraid to tell him anything.

Lila xx


Sorry this is so short... i promise a longer chapter tomorrow :) I'm about to fall asleep so adios xx

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