Chapter 19

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 I was standing in a thin, black dress standing in a graveyard. MY dress blew in the cold wind as tears slid down my cheeks. Two small children stood either side o me clutching onto my hands.

The eldest had fiery red hair and piercing blue eyes filled with tears. The youngest had blonde hair with a tinge of red and dull green eyes like mind with tears streaming down her porcelain white cheeks. Ed was nowhere to be seen

 I watched as a black coffin was carried through the graveyard towards the open grave. The coffin was a shiny black with orange trimmings. My heart shattered, as the little girl beside me tugged on my hand and I lifted her placing her on my hip.

 A sob tore from my throat as the coffin was lowered into the ground. My legs gave way below me, knees hitting the damp soil beneath me. The young boy gripped onto me terrified,

 “Mumma you otay?” I shook my head pulling him closer to me. He pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek,

 “It’s otay Mumma, Daddy is in da sky now. He is a cwoud.” I smiled at his pessimistic attitude.

 “Let’s go find Uncle Harry and go home.” He took my hand as the young girl in my arms curled around my body as she slept. Harry walked up beside me picking up my son and wrapping an arm around me,

 “Let’s get you out of here.”

 I woke with a start, lurching into a seated position. Looking around I found myself in my new room in Ed’s apartment. Gasping I placed a hand against my chest in an attempt to slow my heart rate. Warm tears slid down my cheeks reliving the memory from the dream.

 It was like the vision I had had months ago, only this time, more in detail. Ed couldn’t die, he couldn’t leave me. A sob escaped my chest as I thought about it, losing Ed would be the end of me. Call me cliché, but I did die for him.

 Sobbing I curled my duvet around my shivering body picturing the scene from the dream; the cold, wet landscape, the coffin, the children, me.

 “Lila? Lila! What’s wrong?” Ed stumbled into the room rubbing his eyes. I hiccupped and opened my eyes to see him crawl into my bed with a look of concern etched across his features.

 “Just a nightmare,” I mumbled curled against his warm chest. He wrapped his arms around me so we were spooning.

 “It must have been more than just a nightmare to have you crying like this sweetie. What happened? Was it about your Dad?” I shook my head,

 “It’s a dream I had several months ago. It starts with me standing in a graveyard with a young boy and little girl. It’s cold and windy, just plain miserable. You weren’t there, I couldn’t see you anywhere. Then a coffin appeared, it was black with orange trimmings. I just knew it was yours, I had a gut instinct. Harry appeared and lead the two kids and I away from the grave where they were burying your coffin. It sounds silly but it just seemed so real. I’ve had the dream before and I’m just praying it isn’t a vision.”

 A sob racked through my chest as a fresh batch of tears rolled down my cheeks. Ed sighed pulling me impossibly closer.

 “Don’t worry, I’m still here. I’m sure it was just a dream. I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. I only just got you back, I’m not letting you slip away that easily.”

 I smile nuzzling my damp cheeks against his neck,

 “I love you Ed,”

“I love you Lila, more then you could possibly know.”


 I giggled placing my hands over Ed’s large, warm hands that were covering my eyes.

 “Ed where are you taking me?” He chuckled,

 “It’s a surprise.” Giggling I tried to pry his hands from my face but his grip only tightened. His hands were soon replaced with a cloth as he lowered me into a vehicle. The door beside me closed only for the door on my right to be opened only moments later.

 “Come on Ed! I want to know.” He laughed,

 “Nope, not yet.”

 Pouting I shifted in my seat so my feet were resting on the dash in front of me.

 “You’re lucky Harry doesn’t mind feet on the dash.” I rolled my eyes behind the fabric poking my tongue out at him.

 “Real mature Lila.” I heard him fiddle with the dials on the radio and soon a catchy pop song started blaring through the speakers.

 “Jesus Harry! How loud does he need it to be?” Ed grumbled under his breath. A short puff of laughter escaped my lips.

 “You think that’s funny eh?” I clamped my mouth shut shaking my head,

 "Nope, of course not. What gave you that idea?”

 The rest of the ride was silent between us apart from Ed’s occasional singing when a song he knew played. The car came to a stop about 25 minutes later. And from what I could hear, it was somewhere public.

 The door beside me opened and two arms assisted me out of the car.

 “Not much longer Lila, then I can see your pretty eyes.” I giggled and pulled my coat tighter around my body, the night air chilling my skin. Ed’s arm wrapped around my waist guiding me towards our destination.

 I listened to the voices around us,

Aw look at them!

How cute!

Aw look at hi, how romantic

Oh my gosh it’s Ed Sheeran

Isn’t that the girl from the papers?

Remember when we were that young and in love?

 There was a mixture of emotions floating into my mind it was overwhelming.

 We came to a stop and the blindfold was removed. We were stood in front of a small restaurant filled with tiny tea light candles, white roses and red and white checked tables.

 “This is where my Dad took my Mum on their first date, so I thought, why not bring you here too.” I smiled and kissed his cheek,

 “It’s perfect.” He smiled,

 “Let’s just hope the food is as good as it smells.” That was when I noticed the faint smell of pasta and bread.

 We were taken to a small table that was secluded from the few other couples that were spotted through the tiny restaurant.

 “This is really cute, it’s so quiet.” He smiled,

 “That’s what I was hoping for. I didn’t want the paps to interrupt our date.” I blushed,

 “This is the first date I’ve been on.” He grinned,

 “I feel honoured; I hope it lives up to your expectations.”

 And it certainly did.  

 Its finally up! It only took me a month... i'm so sorry. So much has been going on I haven't had to time to write or upload and its killing me. Please forgive me you fantastic followers of mine xx

Also some have requested a sex scene, i'm not comfortable with that so there most likely won't be. Unless any of you want to write one, send me the link and i'll add it as an external link.

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