Chapter 18

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Lila's POV

Inhaling slowly I sat on the sofa beside Ed, his eyes trained to my face with interest and fear.

"You probably aren't going to believe me in some parts," He frowned but nodded. I sighed, this wasn't going to be easy.

"Can you just give me a sec," I dashed to the bathroom locking the door behind me. Squinting my eyes shut I whispered,

"Cupid, please help me! I don't know what to do." Nothing, no bright flash, no smiling face of the man I call my Father. I was alone in this. I turned to open the door and nearly screamed when I saw Cupid standing there smiling.

"Good Lord, give me heart failure." He chuckled,

"Sorry love," he pulled me in for a hug.

"I miss you Lila," I nodded softly,

"Any way, this isn't a reunion. You need my help?" I nodded,

"What do I tell Ed? And how will I make him believe me." Cupid smiled,

"With this." He handed me a worn rucksack coated with a thin layer of dust. My eyes widened as I opened the flap,

"My sack! Where did you get this!?" He smiled,

"Hannah." And with that he was gone. I smiled silently thanking Hannah and then opened the door. The flat was silent, but I knew Ed was still here. Slowly I wandered into the living clutching the rucksack and sunk into my previous seat.

Ed's eyes lowered to the rucksack,

"Where did you get that?"

I've always had it, it holds the truth." He nodded slowly, not sure whether to believe me.

"Please, don't say anything until i'm done." He nodded again resting into the sofa.


Opening the bag I pulled out my wrist clasp, sighing at the familiar coolness as it wrapped around my wrist.

"This clasp held everything I was. It was like my car, taking me wherever I need to go and when."  He frowned but didn't say anything. I sighed, this was the hard part.

"I never had a normal childhood. I lived with my Father and my Brother Mason, we lived in the out skirts of London. My mother died while I was born, destroying my father and destroying me. My entire life I grew up being beaten and tormented by the man I called my Father. When I was 20 he came home and beat me leaving me for dead. I bled to death that night."

Ed's brow furrowed even further,

"That was 1797. When a soul under the age of 25 is murdered they get a second chance, depending on their beliefs as a mortal. Thankfully for me I believed in a God who loves everyone, a God of second chances. I was given the position as an Apprentice, for Cupid. Several times a year we were sent to earth to play match maker. Each couple we needed to research and practically become them before setting them up. We recorded everything in this journal."

I pulled out the worn leather binder placing it in Ed's hands,

"Careful, its over 200 years old. it contains my life's work."

He opened the cover, delicately turning each page like it may shatter in his hands.

"We are all assigned a partner, mine was a girl by the name of Hannah. We live with them on cloud 9 within the compound if Cupid's mansion. There we are safe from dark angels of the Devil. Sometimes we work together and choose a perfect match. When we got Cupid's approval, we came to Earth and used these,

I pulled out an arrow placing it on the table,

"To shoot the targets, the first person they touch they fall instantly in love with. Dark Angel's will sometimes appear and shoot the target first with an arrow of hatred, destroying all our hard work. The pair end up hating each other."

I felt a hand rest against my arm,

"Lila, why am I in here?" Somehow he had managed to already reach my last entry. I swallowed nervously,

"You were my last target." He frowned,

"But there isn't pairing for me." I shook my head,

"No, because I fell in love with you." He smiled shyly and closed the book.

"Cupid starting getting angry because I would keep going to London to visit you when I shouldn't have. I had to learn more about you, everything seemed so interesting and I loved it. They threatened to send me to the afterlife if I didn't stop. The afterlife isn't all that bad, you just never get to leave unless you are chosen to be reborn. That's when the news story appeared. Cupid provided and escape for me, forced me to stop. With you thinking I was dead, I couldn't come back."

I wiped a tear that had some how slid down my cheek,

"I chose to rebel against Cupid and didn't some stupid things to get his attention. But he didn't notice so I took the next step. I was devastated at the thought of you hurting. I sent Michael in to talk to you, Michael being the only other mortal friend I had. You see mortals can't see us unless they had blocked love from their hearts, you clearly had. That's why you could see me but no one else could. That day Michael met you at the diner, I was there beside him. You had allowed love into your heart once again so you weren't able to see me."

He nodded with what seemed understanding,

"After that day I did some stupid things. I decided to annoy cupid and shoot at any person I saw sending cloud 9 into a frenzy. I had an escape here in London, an old warehouse I would hide in and carve new arrows. I took my life there, banishing myself to walk the streets of earth as a ghost, banished from the afterlife."

Ed wrapped his arms around me looking dazed and confused,

"Cupid later found me, scolding me for being foolish but more grateful I was ok. He sent me back to earth, as a mortal, as my punishment. Never to set foot on cloud 9. I can still see dark angels and apprentices, but I'm no longer one of them. I was favoured by the Father and he sent me with everything I needed, an identity. Now I'm just Lila Anderson, the girl on the streets that no one knows."

Tears continued to fall down my cheeks as Ed pulled me in for a hug,

"You just made me fall in love with you just that little bit more," he said with a kiss against my cheek.

"You have an extraordinary past, but it sounds exciting. I want to know more!" I smiled and kissed the corner of his mouth,

"I didn't scare you at all?" He chuckled,

"No, but I can't believe you've died twice and you're only 20." I giggled as he kissed me fully on the lips.

"I love you Lila, I really do."

"I love you too Ed."

I hope this satisfies your Ed feels for the day :) This is more of a recap chapter than moving on with the story, but at least Ed knows the truth! Let me know what you think and if I missed anything... I think I got everything.

Angels will Fly || Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now