Chapter 6

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Lila’s POV

I wondered aimlessly through the near empty streets of London, my path dimly lit by flickering street lamps. It had been 2 weeks since I had spent the night at Ed’s place and I hadn’t seen him since. I had spent my time doing more research, about his personality, what he likes.

But the biggest thing was what he sings about; the feelings behind the lyrics, what he was feeling at the time, and who his inspiration was. I learnt of his first serious girlfriend, Alice, who was the inspiration for all the songs on the most recent album he released.

I kicked a small pebble down the rough, bitumen streets which were empty. Watching the pebble rolling down the slope I felt a hand grip my wrist. I sucked in a breath of the cool, London air and stayed still. “What is a pretty girl like you doing out here this late?” The voice was rough, and unrecognisable. Panic rose within me but I kept quiet.

I felt another hand grab my other wrist,

“Come on lassie, you’re spending the night with me.” My eyes widened as I realised what he meant. I spun my head around and stared into his cold, green eyes.

“Let me go,” I cried trying to rip my arms from his vice-like grips.

His eyes hardened and so did his grip,

“I don’t think so.” I was hit in the face with the horrid stench of rum and beer. He was clearly intoxicated but that wasn’t stopping him from trying to drag me to his lair.

“If you want to get away, you will give me what I need. If not, you won’t…” I cut him off by kneeing him in the privates and trying to run. But alas, his grip only tightened, nearly enough to snap my bones.

I cried out in pain as he kicked my shins making me hit the hard, cold ground.

“Leave me alone, please.” I sobbed as my coccyx came in contact with the ground. He laughed tauntingly and hauled me up, “Hopefully that will teach you to be cheeky. Now come on.”

“No please! Stop it.” I cried through my tears.

“Hey!” Another voice rang through the dark alley. I was more than surprised to see a familiar red haired man walking through the alley.

“What’s going on?”

“Nothing! Go away.” The man said gruffly grabbing my wrists even tighter.

“Ed!” I screamed as he started dragging me away.


I watched as Ed ran closer, realising it was me he took charge.

“Leave me and my girlfriend alone,” the man said pulling my body against his chest. I nearly gagged on the stench, he reminded me of a mini bar.

“Actually, she’s my best friend you jerk. Get off her.” The man sighed and dropped me before running off into the alleyway.

I cried out as my body hit the ground.

“Lila!” Within a second Ed was at my side with  a look of pure horror on his face. Tears began streaming down my face. I had experienced this plenty of times with my Dad, but that was over 200 years ago.

It was still a fresh wound in my mind.

“Oh Lila, it’s alright. I’m here now, you can come stay with me again if you want.” I nodded and curled into a ball. Sobs racked through my body as Ed lifted me easily from the ground.

I blinked rapidly trying to focus on what Ed was saying. My breaths were coming out fast and haggard raving me feeling light headed. My eyes drifted around before closing entirely.

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