Chapter 5

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Lila's POV

I watched from a distance as Ed walked through the backstage door of the large arena in London, the O2. Slowly but surely I followed him into a dressing room where he picked up a guitar with the name Felix. He stared at the steel strings longingly before playing an unfamiliar tune.

You're not her
Though I try to see you differently
I tow the line
You see, I'm searching for what used to be mine
I saw your eyes
And then I saw her staring back at me
And I will try to find another one
Who suited me as well as her

I moved far away from you
And I want to see you here beside me, dear
But things aren't clear
When we never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I'd miss you
I miss you

She was mine
I was hers
And all that's in between
If she would cry
I would shelter her
And keep her from the darkness that will be

If I moved far away from you
And I want to see you here beside me, dear
But things aren't clear
We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I'd miss you
And I miss you

Don't drop me in
It's not my turn
If you cut deep
Then I might learn
If you scar and leave me
Like a sunburn

Don't drop me in
It's not my turn
If you cut deep
Then I might learn
You scarred and left me
Like a sunburn

We never even tried
We never even talked
We never even thought in the long run
Whenever it was painful
Whenever I was away
I'd miss you
And I miss you

A small tear slid from his eye before being hastily wiped away. He changed his shirt and then ushered onto the stage. The roar from the audience stunned my innocent ears. He waved and smiled before slinging his guitar over his shoulder. He began strumming and pressing pedals on his pedal board setting the back music before he began singing, this time a more familiar tune

I wanna be drunk when I wake up

On the right side of the wrong bed

I smiled as I watched him sing his heart out to these people who he’d never met before. I felt completely enchanted by his sweet voice that the song had ended before I really had a chance to enjoy it.

“Hey guys, I’m Ed Sheeran. If you didn’t know that then you’re at the wrong concert. Anyway, this next song is one I wrote recently and it means a great deal to me. I hope you enjoy it.” He began singing the same song from the dressing room, this time without back up parts.

It was acoustic and had the entire arena silent in awe. No one sang the words back, no one cheered, no one screamed. As the last note rang through the silent arena, Ed sniffed and wiped the tears away. The crowd suddenly erupted into screams, clearly enjoying the performance.

I watched on with pure amazement at his talent. Each time he smiled out at his fans, I felt a twitch within me. A smile would etch its way across my face as I watched him enjoying himself. 2 hours later the concert ended and Ed disappeared back into his dressing room. It may sound very strange but I followed him nearly everywhere he went; noting every interaction and every conversation.

He walked on his own done the side alley towards his get away car. I followed at a distance until he stopped suddenly, turning his heel to face me.

“Who’s there?” I froze, he could feel my presence, that isn’t a good sign.

“You, I can see you. Who are you?” I stared stunned at him before pointing at my chest.

He sighed,

“Yes you, come here.” I walked cautiously towards him as he placed his guitar on the ground.

“You alright?” He asked looking mildly concerned. I hesitated my nodded making him crack a smile.

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