Chapter 27

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Now thanks to the new wattpad app update, you sexy app readers can see the sidebar :D So the dress on the side is what i pictured in my head, took me 3 hours to find an image that was close enough.

Hope you like it!!


"Here comes the bride, fair, fat and wide!" Eleanor sang loudly as i waked into the living room rubbing irritably at my eyes. I glared at the enthusiastic brunette,

"I hope you miss the bouquet and Perrie steps on your face!" She rolled her eyes,

"I'm wearing 5 inch heels, i better catch it."

"I just won't throw it towards you."

"I just love weddings," Perrie gushed as she pranced into the living room wearing nothing but a towel.

Eleanor slapped her hand across my eyes,

"Perrie! Have some decency, this woman is getting married. Let her enter matrimony with pure eyes."

"Eleanor get off me," She poked my hip with what felt like a fork,

"Nope, not until Perrie puts some clothes on."

Suddenly Eleanor shrieked making me jump and then i heard a slap,

"Ah she's naked! Pick that towel up right now!" El screeched. I could practically hear Perrie roll her eyes,

"Calm yourself, I'm wearing underwear!" I pushed Eleanor's hand away and walked into the kitchen,

"I'm starving but I'm sure you lot have raided our fridge by now." Eleanor shrugged and Perrie glared at her,

"Did you seriously eat everything? How the hell do you have a thigh gap?" i tossed the empty coffee cup at Eleanor,

"And you bought coffee without us, such a disappointment."

"You shouldn't need coffee! Aren't you hyped up enough? You're getting married in T-minus 6 hours!"

6 hours, in 6 hours I'd become Mrs Sheeran. My face must have showed my internal buzzing because Eleanor smiled softly,

"Ok so I'll go get coffee, you go clean your skin once more then we'll go over the plans for the day. Sound good?" She said picking up her purse and tossing a shirt at Perrie.

"Sounds good, but bring food as well you fat ass." Perrie teased pulling the shirt over her head.

It was going to be a very long day.


"Lila you have to eat something! Today is your wedding day, so starving yourself now won't have any effect on how your dress fits." Eleanor scolded pushing a plate of greasy fries towards me. My stomach lurched, there was no way i could eat anything.

Perrie frowned,

"Are you ok? You're not getting cold feet are you?" I shook my head,

"No, I'm just nervous. I don't think i can keep anything down." Imogen patted my knee,

"I understand love, but do try eating something. I can buy you a sandwich or something that won't make you sick if you want?" I smiled,

"Now that you mention it I'm really craving a Greek salad." Imogen nodded and stood to order. Eleanor glared playfully,

"Such a demanding bride! Perrie why do we put up with her?" Perrie swatted her playfully with a napkin,

"Cause she's marrying Ed Sheeran, my celebrity crush, that's why."

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