Chapter 2

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Lila’s POV

What does love feel like? Does it make you feel like you’ve taken too many shots? Is it total bliss? Or is it so constricting you feel like the life is being sucked from your soul? I’ve never experience love. I work with it every day and I have been for over 200 years.

But that doesn’t been I understand it. As apprentices we aren’t to fall in love with each other. We are to act like siblings, but being a 20 year girls I crave the feeling of knowing someone loves me. I’ve never experience love; not from my family or from a guy, apart from Cupid.

I gasped sitting upright, my body sticky with sweat. My mind still swirling with images from my dream, it was more of a nightmare.

“Lila sweetie, where are you?” My Father’s words were slurred together due to the amount of alcohol he had consumed. My Father was a troubled soul, my mother died during Childbirth leaving him to care for my brother and I.

Being the 18th century, it was extremely hard for him to earn enough money to feed us all, so I usually went unfed because I’m a girl.

I continued to hide beneath the covered table. When my Father was drunk he would beat me and touch me. My brother was unaware of what happened to me when he was working. The cloth was lifted and my Father’s twisted face appeared making me scream in terror.

“Aw honey no need to scream, I only want to play.” I stood up and ran for the door but he beat me to it.

He lifted me by the waist and took me to his room where he pressed forced kisses along my neck as I cried helplessly. This happened to me almost everyday once Father came home from the pub.

That’s when I woke up, shaking with fear of knowing that my Father still haunted my dreams. Looking at the shadows creating by the setting moon I would guess it was around 3 in the morning, to earlier to head out looking for a new project.

The front door creaked open spilling light through my open door way. A dark figure appeared at the door,

“Lila? Why are you awake?” I smiled at my beautiful friend,

“I had a dream about him again.” She sighed and sat beside me,

“I’m so scared Hannah, why is he still in my mind? I thought he was supposed to be gone.”

A stray tear slid from my eye. She gently wiped the tear away with her thumb,

“You can’t erase him from your mind darling. He was your Father, and he did love you when he was sober. Fate won’t let you forget him, he’s the reason you’re here.”

I turned to face her frowning,

“He was sober when he strangled me, the day I died he was completely sober. How am I supposed to believe he ever loved me?” I screamed at her, it may seem harsh but she was used to my outbursts though.

“Lila please calm down, go make some more arrows and calm your soul. It isn’t healthy to be this angry.” She rested her hand on my arm rubbing soothing circles against my skin. I stood abruptly and headed towards my work bench.

There were several sticks to be whittled into arrows or to make myself a new bow. I picked up my pocket knife and began to attack to word, carving symbols into the wood. Hannah walked out and into her room next door to sleep after her exhausting project.

For several hours I stood there carving the wood into arrows and sitting them in a pile onto the bench.


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