Chapter 25

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"Oh Lila i can't believe it! This is just so amazing! You and my little Eddy, getting married!" Imogen continued to gush as we walked into a bridal boutique.

Imogen had searched for the best boutiques in London, with the help of Ed's budget. He had insisted he paid for everything, with my situation and lack of income it made it a little difficult to pay for anything, much to my dismay.

I posed dramatically as Imogen pressed another lacy dress against my front. She pursed her lips and cocked her head with one eye shut, much like i would stereotype an artist.

"I'm thinking we go for something with thin straps and slimming, you have a gorgeous figure and its your wedding day! You deserve to show it off for just one day." She declared practically dropping the dress into the floor. The store assistant glared and adusted the dress before greeting us,

"Hello ladies, by name is Luce and I'm here to assist with the dresses. Now which one of you is the bride-to-be?" I blushed,

"That would be me, I'm Lila. This is my soon to be mother-in-law Imogen." Luce plastered a fake smile across her face and shook our hands.

"Its a pleasure. Now, is there anything in particular you were looking for in your gown?"

"I was picturing kind of a slim cut dress with a modest neck line, preferrably no train and thin straps." The picture in my mind was extremetly specific and i earnt my self a decent glare of frustration.

"Well lets see what we can find."


"Ugh Imogen non of these are pictured." I groaned flopping onto the couch beside a tired looking Imogen.

"I don't like any of them, and i'm rather tired of Luce's attitude. I should report her. Fancy making you try on dresses that had nothing align with what you wanted."

Thankfully for us Luce wasn't in the room to hear our little rant.

"Can we leave this for another day? I just really want a strong coffee and sit and watch Dexter with Ed." The look on Imogen's face showed that clearly was paying no attention to me and to something behind me.

"Imogen? What are you...?" My eyes widened as i took in the dress before us. It was tucked to the side on a maniquin behind a shelf.

"Its perfect," Imogen whispered standing up, not taking her eyes off the gown. I had tears brimming in my own eyes. This gown looked near identical to gown i had seen in pictures of my Mother on her wedding day.

There was a blinding flash of white, blinking slowly I gasped, Cupid stood before me with a knowing smirk on his face.

"You, you got her dress!" He smiled a nodded,

"A gift from her."

I blinked back tears and refrained from hugging him, to everyone else i would just be hugging a patch of air.

"Thank you," I whispered, tears choking my words. He smiled gently,

"You should go try it on, thouh it is already tailored to your size." I smiled with tears pooling in the corner of my eyes,

"You have no idea how much this means to me." He squeezed my hand,

"Consider it a wedding gift. We're all going to be there, you won't need seats for us though." I giggled to myself,

"I'll keep an eye out for you."

"Lila! Come take a closer look! This dress is perfect." I turned back to Cupid only to face an open window.

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