Chpt. 11

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-Who Do You See-

"Korbin!" I said, trying to hide the look of shock as I opened the door and saw him leaning against the frame. "What are you doing here?" He looked at me with confusion and giggled. "Remember, I told you last night I was going to stop by to see my good luck charm." He smirked before kissing me. Unaware I kissed him back as we backed into my studio apartment. "Korbin, s-stop." I sighed, worried about the fact my best friend was behind the divider and Korbin was nipping at my neck. "you're so beautiful." He smiled before kissing my lips again sweetly, "she said stop."

Korbins eyes widened and looked at the man standing by the divider, watching his every move. He let go of me quickly before giving his explanation. "I was just kissing her before I stoped there's no-" "the point is she said stop you asshole." Tom snapped, interrupting Korbin in the process. "Tom it's okay, really." I reassured. "You sure?" He said glaring at Korbin like his gaze would make him melt into the floorboards. "Yes I am." I smiled "I just don't like seeing my girl getting hurt." Tom said as he made his way to me, resting his arm around my shoulders. I scoffed and shoved him off making him look at me with shock. "I'm not 5 Tom, and besides Korbin is a really good guy and you'd know that if you were here for me like a best friend should be." I stated, trying my best to hide the fact that Tom calling me his girl had an effect on me but also reminded that he was gone from my life for almost a year.

"So who is he?" Tom said after taking a few breaths to calm his nerves. "Well, Korbin this is Tom, my... childhood best friend I was telling you about, and Tom, this is Korbin my... really good friend."
Korbin finally put the pieces together and looked back at me. "Oh shit, your Tom Tom like Draco Tom." Korbin rambled, "I mean I personally prefer Felton Tom, but yeah that's me." he faked a smile. "Sorry I just think that's cool... well I- I should go..." Korbin said quickly, looking back at me. He leaned in to give me a kiss and smiled. "Wish me luck on my exam." He grinned. "Luck." I said as I hugged him before he went out the door.

And Then it was me and him. "What's he need luck for." Tom said as he pouted on the couch with star. I rolled my eyes and sat next to him or as I would like to say the 20 year old toddler. "He's in college with Annabelles boyfriend Alex, he's taking a law exam so he can be a lawyer." I stated. "Oh." "Oh?" I giggled, but his face was still serious. "Are you with him?" He spat. "Are you seriously asking that?" I exclaimed before getting off the couch. "Well I mean if he's kissing you." "Tom! You think that after I was turned down by the only man I ever wanted to be with I was just going to wait for you forever? You think that me finding out you moved across the fucking ocean through the press was a motive for me to wait for you!" I cried. He looked at me with somber eyes and I fell.

"Please take off today so we can talk about this." He begged, joining me on the floor, wiping the tears off my cheeks. "No, Tom no. I need to get my mind off of this and I'm not going to put my life on hold just because you finally decided to came back... I'm sorry I just- I'll be back at 5, just... be here when I get back, please." "I promise."

As I made my way to the floor I spotted Ash and stood next to him. After the hours on pointe, lunch finally came around and Ash was ready at my side. "Maddie, are you okay?" He asked sweetly, but it was enough to make break. "Come on Mads, let's go get some air."

We walked to the back of the studio into the alley way. Years ago they made a makeshift patio space for the crew to sit with string lights and benches, it was truly nirvana after a long rehearsal. "So what's wrong." Ash smiled. "I- remember Korbin? And how great he is to me and how he respects the fact that I can't be in a relationship?" I went on, he nodded his head letting me know I could go on. "Well Tom is back and... oh ash what am I going to do? Korbin is an angel and wouldn't even dream of hurting me but... I mean Tom is the same, I've just hurt him in the past. Fuck I keep screwing it up!"

"Maddie, you're not screwing it up you're 23 and allowed to make some mistakes." Ash reassured me. "Now, I know he is the sweetest thing and your worried of hurting him but, you'd be hurting both yourself and him if you made the wrong choice. Yeah Korbin would be hurt if you were to go after Tom because he cares about you but, you'd be living this lie by saying you truly wanted to be with Korbin and only Korbin, and that's not the foundation for a stable relationship. And remember korbins the kind of guy who wouldn't stand for you to hurt and sacrifice just for his protection of his feelings, if he's the good guy you say he is, he'd accept it and end up being happier then finding out you led him on after all that time." He said. He always knew exactly how to fix anything and any problem. "So you're saying I should be with Tom?" I queried. "I never said be with a man, you're Madelyn you don't need anyone. But I am saying you should follow your heart, and it looks like you already did." He smiled. "I need to make a call, will you stay with me? Just for emotional support." I asked, knowing that if I called Korbin, his outcome wasn't planed and that scared the shit out of me. "You're strong Madelyn, you got this. But I'll be right here with you no matter what.

"Tom?" I called as I opened my apartment door, my body was sore from rehearsal and I just wanted to collapse on couch and not think about the day I've been having. "Maddie." Tom smiled as I walked through to the kitchen. The room was filled with roses and candles with two places at my table were set. "What's this for?" I smiled in shock. "I wanted to make it up to you." He smiled, putting the takeout boxes on the table before turning to open a bottle of red. "Tom you're such a dork." "What?" He smirked. "All of this for takeout?" I giggled. "Yes" he said as He pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close. "Thank you."

We spent the night laughing and eating our take out, talking about silly things and catching up. "You alright darling?" He asked as he took my hand in his, tracing his thumb against my skin. "Just sore from dance." I smiled. "Let me make you a bath, yeah?" He asked, I nodded my head before he kissed my cheek and headed for the bathroom door.

A few minutes later I heard the hot water stop and Tom calling me into the room. Candles were lit and the lights were dimmed, the water was steaming and everything was perfect, especially the man in front of me. "See something you like?" I teased after seeing his eyes looking over my body. I had a white robe on and felt a wave of courage take over as I looked into the ocean in his eyes.

I started to remember our moments together, how after everything I fell back to him, how I was in love with a man who seemed so out of reach, how I couldn't get his smile out of my head. I knew who I wanted to be with and I was ready to make my decision.

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