Chpt. 14

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- Emma & Matthew-

I looked down at the marble counter, fiddling around with the sugar packets as I sat in my sisters cafe. "God Maddie you've been moping upstairs all this time I thought you'd never come down." Annabelle teased as she handed me a coffee. "I know, I know." I sighed. "When is Emma coming?" She asked, sitting next to me on the bench. "I think in a few minutes." I replied, checking my phone to see if Tom responded to my text. He's been filming for murder in the first for the last 5 months, and I've been missing his arms around my waist as we spent our mornings wrapped in my duvet.

"You still looking at your phone every 20 seconds?" She rolled her eyes. "For your information it's not every 20 seconds, and if alex was across the ocean you would be doing the same." I snapped back. Annabelle has been teasing me every chance she had and I was starting to get sick of it, but hey, that's siblings for you.

"You're right, I'm sorry." She sighed as she got up, getting the store ready for opening. "How long are they staying again?" Anna asked, grabbing croissants out of the oven. "9:40ish I still have work today."

As soon as The words left my lips, Emma walked in, smiling, and pointed back at the man behind her. "Matthew!" I exclaimed as I ran up to hug him, his arms pulling me into a bear hug. "It's been forever!" I smiled as he pulled away. "Hey Madelyn, Annabelle"

We sat down in the booth and started to talk about simple things as we caught up on life. "So you and Tom are..." Matthew trailed on making me giggle. "I mean you'd think but, he still hasn't asked me and I think it's because of his past relationship with summer, and I can respect that." I stated, knowing fully what it's like to be in that kind of position. "Give it time Madelyn, I'm sure he'll come around." Emma smiled. "Thanks Em."

"Alright we have two weeks till final so I hope you're ready for your first day of tech week." Our director smiled. I was leaning against Ash, back to back, as the lighting engineer was going through the blocking. "Is Tom coming?" Ash inquired as he slipped on his ballet slippers. "He's begging the producer to let him go for the weekend, but we don't know." I said as I finished tightening the tie to my pointe shoes so I was stable while on pointe.

"Alright if we could go over the pas de dux with you two." Our director said, pointing at Vincent and I. We got on our marks and waited for the music to play for our cues. About halfway through it was time for the lift, something I was weirdly dreading. I was ready to jump but it felt off, his hands weren't in the right spots causing me to wobble. No matter how hard I tried, I was pushed back and tumbled to the ground. I was lucky I landed safely or I could've ended my career for a bit.

"Sorry Maddie! The light got in my eye and I- are you okay?" Vincent said as I dusted myself off, getting back up on my feet again. "I'm okay, can we start again?" I sighed, attempting to get the attention off of me. "Alright from the top! And change that lighting! I'm not loosing a dancer for your recklessness."

I pulled a pair of joggers over my tights and pulled toms hoodie over my head, the fabric all around me, making me much more calm after everything that just happened. I looked down at my phone and started to tear up at the horrid word read. It's been two days since we last talked and it was so unlike him, a bitter change of pace from talking every morning and afternoon to being left on read.

After saying goodbye to the staff I exited the building. Not paying attention to to where I was going, causing me to bump into someone as I was walking to my car. "Oh I'm- Madelyn! I was just coming to see you! you weren't at the studio so the front desk said you were here." Korbin grinned as he looked into my brown eyes. "What are you doing here?" I smiled as I hugged him tightly. "I passed! I'm a lawyer!... You okay?" He informed, asking me sweetly at the end. "That's great! Let me go home and shower and we can go celebrate." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, "Korbin?" "You didn't answer me." He stated, letting me go apprehensively. "I'm fine."

As I got into the shower I broke down, just wishing I could hear him play guitar and sing love songs, wishing I could kiss his sweet lips. I grabbed my towel off the rack and dried off, checking my phone again.


Night darling😘

Goodnight Tom, I miss you!🥰


Hey love, did you find out if you can make it to Romeo and Juliet? I really hope you can make it, I miss you so much!


Morning Tom! Hope you have a great day filming, miss you a bunch!😘

I set the phone back down and continued to get ready for the night celebrating Korbin and his achievements.

A few drinks later and a bunch of dancing I forgot all about my troubles. "Hey can you take a picture of us?" Korbin asked the bartender. He nodded his head and got the phone ready, both Korbin and I in view. "Alright serious lawyer face." Korbin giggled, obviously tipsy, before the flash went off. We took a few more afterwards, but the first was truly my favorite.

Madelyn_gr24n posted a new photo:

I looked over the photo of me and Korbin in the bar. His hand holding up a drink and my arms around his waist.

Can't believe this man is a serious lawyer now!!! Congrats @korbin_.

As soon as I hit post, I shoved my phone back in my purse and enjoyed the rest of the night as much as I could. Only if I was aware of the mess my phone was creating...

3 missed calls from: T22🤍...
Madelyn pick up

We need to talk

Incoming call from: T22🤍

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