Chpt. 4

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-rehearsals in the park-

It was about 30 minutes after I was informed of my new job opportunity that I finally made it home, taking a long awaited shower and changing into more suitable clothes. "Hello my baby girl." I smiled as I looked down at star. "How's my pup." She wagged her tail and lift her huge paws up to rest on my shoulders. "Wanna get auntie Annabelle to go on a walk with us?" I smirked as she ran off to the front door. She barked and grabbed her leash off the entry way table and wagged her tail. "Come on."

As we made our way to the coffee shop below I spotted Annabelle and called her out, knowing she just finished her shift. "Hi star?? How's my favorite fur niece?" Anna said as she gave star a pat on the head. "How's my favorite sister?" She said as she looked up to greet me. "One I'm your only sister, and two... I'm okay?" I questioned myself. I mean everything was amazing in work, I had a hobby that people enjoyed so much they bought pieces of my art and now I had the job I've been dreaming of since I was a kid but, my love life and relationship with the person I actually wanted to be with was non existent. "You literally answered a question with a question, you realize that's not how this works?" She teased as we started walking to the park a few blocks away from the shop.

"I know I'm sorry I'm just split, I mean I'm going to live my dream, but I mean I'm not living it with him." I slipped, Anna's eyes widened as she grabbed my wrist to pull me towards her and stopped walking. "What?!?" She exclaimed. "It's nothing I just... thought I liked this guy and he liked me still but I guess I was really wrong." I sighed as I started walking again, star wagging her long tail as she trotted across the pavement.

"So you finally accept the fact you like Tom?" She smirked making me roll my eyes. "Anna can we just drop it?" I snapped before apologizing afterwards. "I just know somethings wrong with my little sis." She sighed. "I tried to tell him, the other night after the gallery. I tried to tell Tom I liked him and I wanted to be the one he loved instead of... he told me about how I was right that we would've just torn apart as soon as we got together but..." "he's the only one you imagine being together with." She finished making me smile bittersweetly.

"So are you going to tell everyone at dinner tonight that you got the new job?" She inquired as we sat in the park, throwing a ball back and forth for star to catch. "No, I mean it's Toms last night here before he goes back to filming, I don't want to take away from that and make a big deal." I said as I looked down to my feet. "Madelyn you are allowed to make a big deal out of things that are important to you, and besides, he's had like 2000 of these going away dinners." She said. She always had a way of talking some sense into me when I began to over rationalize. "Fine"

"You think I could bring Alex tonight?" She thought out loud, breaking the silence. "Is he the really nice guy you were hanging out with after the gallery opened?" I inquired making her blush. "Come one tell me the details!! How long? Are you together? Have you... ya know?" I went on. Her eyes widen with shock at the last question. "Maddie! We just have been talking and going on some dates and... you always have Tom and the boys are with their girls and I just didn't want to be alone or with Mum tonight so I asked alex..." she said sheepishly at the end.

"Anna, Toms been my best friend since birth but you're my sister! If you needed me you should've just told me!" I said, never even having the though she felt this way. "It's okay sissy, you really don't have to fret, I just want to know if it might be too... serious when we only have been well... you know, and going on dates." She asked.

As we made our way back my heart began to race as his perfect silhouette began to come into view. "Hey T, what are you doing here?" I smiled as he pulled me into a quick hug, way to quick. "Oh Annabelles coworker... I think his name was James? Anyways, he told me you'd just left for the park with star." He smiled as he looked down at the happy pup. "Oh Tom, this is perfect, Maddie has some news she was just telling me about!" She smirked, leave it to big sisters to always give you the push when you really didn't want it.

"Oh? What's up!" He grinned as we started our way back to my apartment. "Oh I just got a new job that's all..." I smiled before we could stay on the subject any longer. "Oh yeah ya know just a silly little job at the royal ballet!" Anna smirked as she nudged Tom in his side with her arm. "What! Mads that's amazing!!" He exclaimed, giving me a side hug as we reached the cafe.

"So what do you think?" I said as I made my way out from behind the room divider. Tom sat on my bed looking me up and down as I spun in the dress for tonight's dinner. "You look beautiful as always." He grinned making me blush. I made my way to his side and hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping around my waist as I sat on his lap. "I don't want you to leave." I sighed as He held me close. "I don't either but I have to go film Maddie, I'll see you as soon as I get back." He said as his finger made his way to my chin, making me look him in the eyes. "Promise?" I whispered. His piercing blue eyes looking into my brown then my lips. "I promise."

Sorry this was a bit of a filler but I hope you enjoy what's to come!! Thank you so much for a 100 reads!

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