Chpt. 10

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His eyes were closed shut, he's had horrid dreams ever since I can remember, and they tend to get worse when he was stressed, but I've never seen him shake like this. "I'm here Tom, I'm here." I said as his darkness was over taking him. "Madelyn!" He cried, still in his dreamland. I shook him awake, his eyes filled with tears as soon as they opened. "Tom, it's okay." I said sweetly, trying to calm him down. I sat next to him and pulled him to my chest, playing with his hair as he wept in my arms. "Come on love."

I held his hand and directed him to my bed. He laid down on the mattress, I pulled the blanket over us and held him close, his head resting on my chest. "I thought... I thought I watched-" He took a deep breath, "it was so real..." he said. "I'm not leaving you. It was just a dream"

"You couldn't breathe, it was so real... I watched you... you were blue." I kissed his forehead and messed around with his bleached locks as he went on, reassuring him I was still by his side. "We went on a walk and it was winter, and... summer saw us together and, and you started to fight and it got- she, she pushed you into the river... and you fell through the ice and." He nuzzled into me and tightened his grasp around my waist as if he thought my life was in his hands. "The current took you, and you... I broke my hand punching the ice through and, and once I got you, you weren't breathing, you were so cold but, you... you weren't shivering, I'm sorry."

"What the hell are you apologizing for Tom I'm sorry you had to see that but it's all over now." I comforted. "I tried my best to save you but I, I couldn't protect you Maddie." His face went numb. from the span of the night all the tears he had have been spilt leaving nothing left but the last few that streamed down his cheeks. "You don't know how many times in my life you've saved me from ruins. Tom, you've kept me from throwing my life away by just being your perfect self." I confined. He looked up and studied my features in the moonlight. "I- I shouldn't have moved to LA, that night I should've just broken up with her and stayed with-"

"Tom, please. You're exhausted, and emotionally shaken, for my sanity get some sleep and we'll talk about it tomorrow." I stated, knowing perfectly well that if I didn't set boundaries I'd be falling for him all over. "I... goodnight Madelyn." "Goodnight."

I woke up with his arms holding me to his chest. The sunlight danced through the windows into the apartment, lighting up the morning scene of Tom and I entangle and a large dog laying on the bed next to me. I smiled as I moved a piece of hair out of his eyes, studying his face as he peacefully slept. My eye caught the numbers on my clock, 8am, so I slid as carefully as I could out of his grasp, trying my best to not wake him.

Stumbling into the kitchen I gathered the dishes I'd need to make both of us avocado toast and a egg. I put food into stars bowl and her ears perked up, making her hop off the bed to basically vacuum up her food. I pulled the eggs off the stove and placed them on the toast, a layer of avocado mash on top. I walked past the room divider to the bed, a plate in hand, placing it next to Tom as he slept. He began to stir and opened his eyes, then out of nowhere, He shot up making me giggle. "God your such a dork! How long have you been up?" I asked, a smile on my face as I handed the plate to him. "Since you left, got cold without you in my arms."

"Sorry, but I have work at 10 and it was 8." I blushed. He set the plate down on the nightstand and looked at me with a devilish smirk. Oh dear lord... what is he planning? His eyes watched over my body, making sure I had nothing in my hands before suddenly grabbing my waist, pulling me to his chest, and covering our heads under the duvet. Our faces where inches apart, his eyes looking into mine as the dim sunlight from the layers of fabric barley lit our features. "You're so beautiful." He smiled, his hand making its way to rest upon my cheek. "So god damn beautiful."

I smiled sweetly at his kind words. "Tom I have to go to work." I whined as he  leaned in, kissing my forehead. "Take the day off pleaseeeeee!" He groaned, snuggling his head into the Crook of my neck... his lips barley touching my- "can we talk about... well, you know." I said to break my thoughts from going any further. "Please." He said, looking at me as if he was begging for me to go on. "I just, and you we're... I was a fool and I should've stayed in my place." I finally stated, making his face drop. He pulled the covers off of him and sat up. "Tom?" I whispered, not knowing what the next move of either of us would be, but both of us were calculating it carefully as if we were trying to defuse a ticking time bomb.

"I spent so long running away from everything bringing me to you I didn't stop to see how I was really running from myself and what I'd end up doing if we..." I paused, he turned around letting me finally see his face. "Madelyn... fuck! I mean I have been in love with you for years then I hear about how you felt when I was in a relationship, I- god I could've given you my everything since we were 20! Since we were 14-" "I get it okay! I messed up! I'm a mess! Tom don't you think it's utterly ridiculous that I'm so fucking scared of commitment but the only man I've ever wanted to commit to doesn't even love me anymore!?" I yelled back, his eyes widened as he took a deep breath.

"Madelyn I never said-"

Then Three knocks on the door and the thought was gone.

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