Chpt. 16

455 13 0

-broken bones-
(The part mentioned under the video is at 2:23 for the dance in the video I have linked.)

I peaked out from behind the curtain as I looked out into the hall. My phone in my hand as I wondered who would show tonight. Even though I told him not to come, I wanted him to be there more then ever.

We're here! Break a leg sis

I quickly opened my phone and texted her the thing that's been on my mind all night.


Is Tom coming?

Oh my god Maddie, you told him not to so what do you think?

Idk I just... Hoped he would

Madelyn Green you need to realize that if he doesn't trust you then you don't deserve to put up with that

I mean Anna, his last girlfriend cheated on him for a year so it's not that crazy to think that I would

I know, it's just hard because he's like family but you actually are my family and I want the best for both of you.

I'm sorry Anna, I didn't want to put you into this
I have to go for call, love you

Love you too little sis, break a leg!


I put my phone at my dressing table and ran to call. Everyone was pumped and ready to perform the show we've been working on for months. I began to put on my makeup, and was doing my eyeliner when Ash came up from behind and gave me a huge hug, spooking me in the process. "Ash!! You almost ruined the wing!" I giggled. "You're fine! Besides, We're going to do great tonight!" Ash smiled as I turned to hug him back. "I hope so."

"2 Minutes!" The stage crew called out. "Thank you 2!" The cast called back, scrambling to get finishing touches, costumes, and shoes on. As we walked to our stage sides I began to feel uneasy, something about this show just didn't feel right, and I've never felt that about a performance before. Maybe it's just because He wasn't there... I thought to myself, looking at the people across the stage. And as the curtains pulled back the crowd cheered, the noise filling my head.

As my cue played I entered, the adrenaline rushing through my body as the lights shined down on us.

As my cue played I entered, the adrenaline rushing through my body as the lights shined down on us

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As it came to the second pas de deux, Vincent and I were the only ones as the scene went on.

As I made my way back to the corner of the stage, getting ready for my run to my jump, I felt off again. Despite my feelings, I had to keep going, leaping into the air as his hands were open to catch me. But yet, even though I was in the right positions, his hands were loose as he grabbed my arms, my balance unsteady as he tried to spin me. The lack of security that Vincent provided, caused me to fall back, my chest hitting the hard bed frame on set. A loud crack echoed throughout the hall, followed with a loud gasp. As I looked out at the sea of faces in the audience, I felt queasy.

A sharp pain went to my side, biting the inside of my cheek so I wouldn't scream at the pain. Two dancers came out and pulled me off the stage, trying not to scare or hurt me. "Oh my god Madelyn!" Ash gasped as he looked to my side. My eyes wandered down to the piece of wood that was impaling my ribs, soaking the white dress with deep red blood. I began to sob in fear, my breath quickening as I felt the pain rush throughout my body. Ash and Ryan took me out to back stage, holding my wound with rags to help with the bleeding. "Ash Help me please, I don't want to leave... I can't " I sobbed, my head in his lap as he attempted to calm me down by playing with my hair.

My chest tightened, making me gasp for air as I tried to breathe. Worried that my screams of pain could be heard over the music as the show went on. I tilted my head to look down at the wound. My had wrapped around the fragment of wood, holding my breath as I began to pull it out. "Madelyn stop!" Ryan yelled as Ash pulled my hand back. "Hey love, look at me Madelyn, look at me." He said sweetly. "Just look at me."

"Madelyn!" My family exclaimed as the Greens and Feltons ran to my side, bursting through the doors... almost everyone was there, but one I wanted next to me the most wasn't even aware that at this moment I was bleeding out on the cold cement floor. My mother looked at me with a worried expression, "you'll be okay Mads, you'll be okay, I promise." She smiled through the tears, holding my hand. Even though every face I looked at had tears, they all had a faked smile as well. "I l-love you a-all." I choked out. The pain washing over my body, causing my thoughts to get fuzzy.

The ambulance finally came, putting me on a stretcher. I felt the oxygen mask wrap around my head as we went into the truck. I looked at all the machines around as a woman held my hand and looked into my face. "Okay I need you to count with me, one..." she began, my vision getting blurry as I looked at the people crowded around me, "two..." the pain began to fade as she went on, "three..." the world became darker as the lights dimmed, "four..." the world stopped.

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