Chpt. 1

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-Madelyn Green-

It was no news that Tom Felton was a incredibly amazing human being, it was also no news that millions of girls fell for him as his stardom became well known. But something you wouldn't know was the girl behind him, and That girl was me Madelyn Green.

You see when my mother went to school for the first time she met Sharon, Toms mother, and became the best of friends from that day on. Our mothers even got pregnant at the same time, but Tom was born two days before me, something he will never let off of. Since birth we've been inseparable, well that was till he started filming. For a few weeks he'd leave and we'd email each other every night until we were back together again. His 3 brothers Johnathan, Ashley, and Chris always kept me company when he left, the Feltons really were my second family.
So through the years Tom and I have been together, best friends just like our moms. He's been there through everything, heartbreaks, fights, I stood up to all the asshats who bullied him and he stayed by my side after my father passed away holding me as I cried in his arms.

"Hey Madelyn! The place looks amazing!" Sharon smiled as she walked through the cafe doors. I was at my sisters coffee shop were she insisted that I'd hang my paintings on the walls after years of convincing me to sell my art. I've been perfectly comfortable being a ballet dancer this whole time and having a hobby but my sister wouldn't stop. "Thank you Sharon! I'm so tired of Annabelle nagging at me to put my art up, I mean its just a hobby of mine when I'm not doing shows or going to dance rehearsals but she said she'd stop if I put it up finally." I laughed as she stuck out her tongue from behind the counter. "Well I think it's a good decision, the world needs to see your art Madelyn!" Sharon smiled before hugging me sweetly. "Do you know if toms coming to the opening tonight?" I inquired as she looked around at the painted canvas of Lilly's in front of her. "I dont know hun, he hasn't come home yet, but he hasn't stopped talking about it with everyone he sees." She chuckled.

"Sharon I've been telling her that Tom loves her, she just to stubborn." Annabelle smiled as she handed her a cup of coffee. "Come on Annabelle, you know he fancy's... whats her name again? Summer? It's either her or Emma. And besides, Tom only sees me as a... a little sister or a best friend, I'm never going to be anything other then a girl who he cries about other girls to." I sighed sitting next to Sharon who sipped her coffee quaintly. "Oh he doesn't like Emma, Emma just likes him." Sharon said matter-o-factly making Both me and Anna laugh. "What about summer?" Anna asked. Sharon looked puzzled and her face frowned. "I only have heard she's playing his wife in this new movie, what's it called?" "Deathly hallows part 2?" I laughed. "Ah yes, that Harry Potter." Sharon smirked making us all giggle.

"What are we all laughing about?" A voice said from the door, one I knew so well. "Tom!!" I smiled as I ran towards him, his arms were open wide as I jumped and hugged him tightly, spinning round in round as we were reunited once again. "I thought you were still filming!" I smiled as he set me down, his hands still on my waist making my cheeks flush. "I got off a day early because I wouldn't miss this for the world." I hugged him once again, his Cologne filling my head making me smile, he was finally home and with me.

Suddenly the door bells chimed as a blond girl walked through the frame. "Oh sorry, we're not open right now." My sister stated. "Oh no, Annabelle I hope you don't mind this is Summer, she's with me." He said as she smiled. "Hello." She smirked reaching out her hand to mine. "I'm Summer, Summer Austin." She said as we shook hands. "Pleasure..." I mumbled. "Oh and you must be Toms mother!" She smiled as she walked past Anna and headed straight to Sharon. I looked at Tom with a confused look, only to be returned with a smile. "I'm sorry, I know we just met and I'd hate to come off rude but... who exactly are you? I mean thank you for coming to my show, but how do you know Tom?" I squeaked. she turned around and looked at me, she was 2 or 3 inches taller then I was meaning I was only 5'3" and she made me quite uncomfortable. "I am Toms girlfriend."

I felt like I couldn't breathe. "Oh... oh! Congratulations! I never thought he'd actually get a girl!" I said as I forced a extremely fake smile on my face. "Yeah, I was going to tell you all sooner but I was working hard to wrap up filming so I could come tonight." Tom explained as Summer smiled and kissed his cheek. "Well thank you all for coming I'm going to go change for tonight." I said barley above a whisper before making my way to the staircase that led to my apartment. As soon as I got in I felt the tears fall down my cheeks. Why did he have to go and fall for her?

First chapter! Hope you all enjoy!

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