Chpt. 5

565 16 3

-recitals and remarks-

Warning: eating disorder and body shaming, please read with your own mental health in mind!

It's been four weeks since Tom left and I've been missing him every second of every day even though, they were filled with training and rehearsals that lasted for 7 hours.

"5 Minuets till stage!" Our director informed as I just finished my makeup. "Thank you 5!" The cast called. I looked at my phone hoping his name would pop up on my screen.

we're in the forth row! So proud of you!

Momma Sharon:
Break a leg sweetie!

Most amazing mom:
So proud of your hard work baby I can't wait!

I guess he's not coming then... I thought to myself. Maybe he's still stuck filming, though he usually tells me. I sighed and placed my phone on the table and got my pointe shoes on.

I made my way to the stage side, getting ready for the curtain to open. The lights lit up the stage as the red velvet fabric slid open, revealing us all. The music began and I started to dance, smiling as the warm lights hit my face. About half way through we got to my duet with Anthony, a very talented and attractive man. We started in Quatrième then began. It ended as I slid delicately in his arms.

The curtain closed making me smile bittersweetly, I finished my first opening night with the company... but my best friend isn't by my side. I quickly ran backstage and checked my phone,

Most amazing mom:
That was amazing sweetheart!

Holy crap I didn't know you were that good 😉

Momma Sharon:
Brilliant Madelyn, I wish Tom could've seen it.

My eyes began to water as I read the last text, I guess he really didn't come. I quickly changed and ran out front to greet my family. Annabelle saw me first, a huge smile on her face as she hugged me. "Oh Maddie I hope you don't mind but," my mother began, making me let go of my sister. "Well we found this guy on our way here, and I don't know if you know him but-" "TOM!" I yelled as I ran into his arms. He picked me up as I wrapped my legs around his waist and held him close to me like I'd loose him if he left my grasp.
"I thought you weren't coming." I cried as he held me to his chest. "I wouldn't miss you for the world. Plus I promised you Mads I'd see you when I got back."

I made my way around greeting people and thanking them for coming, Emma, Rupert, and even Oliver and James came. Everything was going perfectly until my eyes fell on her. Summer stood in front of me, a nasty look in her brown eyes. "That was quite a performance..." she said sarcastically making me hurt a little inside. "I mean I didn't know that they hired ballerinas your size but... I guess they do!" She said. My heart began to ache as she muttered those words. "But over all it was okay, I mean for your talent of being quite clumsy on stage it's amazing they gave you a duet and a solo!" "Hey! That's enough!" Anna sneered as she made her way to my side. "Is everything okay?" Emma smiled as she made her way over as well, Rupert following behind. "I swear to got summer if you insult my sister again, I will bitch slap you into next Tuesday." Anna threatened as summer looked astonished she could speak. "I'm tired of you trying to break us down and belittle us and if you can't see the fact that you're a greedy slime of a human being who doesn't deserve Tom, then you should know that this family, doesn't leave each other behind." She sternly said, backing her into a corner.

Emma took my hand and looked into my eyes. "You okay Maddie?" She said sweetly, she always was the most beautiful of souls. "I'm fine Emma..." I trailed off as my attention was caught by Tom striding over to Summer. She began I fake tears, crying and latching herself onto Tom as soon as he got near. "Annabelle what's going on?" He asked. "This bitch-" she began but only for me to come in between. "Nothing, it's just a huge misunderstanding and there's nothing to worry about." I said as his eyes scanned over Emma, Anna, Rupert, and me. "I guess it's fine mate." Rupert said as he looked over at me.
"Can we just go home? Mom and Sharon made a dinner for tonight and I don't want to keep them waiting." I said trying to cut through the tension. "Yeah Maddie, let's go."

The car ride to the house couldn't go any faster with Annabelle still infuriated by summers comments. "Are you sure you're okay? I mean I know..." she trailed off. "Look Anna I know I've struggled with my body but I'm not going to starve my self again just because Toms shitty girlfriend called me fat." I snapped as I looked out the window, the house slowly fading into view.

It was later on when watching summer and Tom be cuddled up together became unbearable and I felt as if I couldn't breathe. I made my way from the living room to the patio, breathing in the cold air as the muffled sounds of the party continued behind. "What did you get yourself into Maddie..." I said under my breath.

Just then the door opened and his perfect voice filled my head like a melody you can't get out. "What are you doing our here Maddie? You okay?"

Next chapters going to be extra kids so hold
On to your hats

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