Chpt. 26

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- Tenerife sea -

I started to stir from my deep sleep, noticing the feeling a arm wrapped around my waist. I smiled at the thought of Tom by my side again. His warm breath was against my neck as he slept peacefully behind me. I turned as carefully as I could to face him, his dirty blonde hair falling across his face. I kissed his forehead making him nuzzle his way into my neck. "Hello darling." He said before kissing the crook of my neck sweetly. "What time is it?" I inquired, letting my hand rest in his hair and play with the locks. "Bout 2:17, we've been out for a few hours." He informed looking up at the big multicolored clock on the wall, god I love this man. I looked down to our entangled bodies, his shirt covering me as he wore his boxers. He notice my gaze, smirking before crawling on top of me "We should get dressed darling, I don't think my roommate would like to see us like this."

"Roommate?" I laughed uncomfortably, worried about being exposed on his white couch to another. "Yeah, his names Derek. I got this house a while back when I first moved out here so when I went back home to stay with you, I asked him to stay and make sure the house was taken care of meaning I didn't know how long I'd be gone for. When I came back after everything, I just asked him to stay. He gets home in at 3, don't worry." He smiled, kissing my head sweetly before getting up to find his trousers that were tossed across the room. My eyes fell to his back, smirking at the scratches that trailed down the skin from our most recent endeavor. "Something you like darling?" He giggled as he glanced at me, my eyes taking his perfect body in. "Maybe, but I do see something I love." I grinned making his pupils dilate as I made my way off the couch to grab my clothes. "Cheeky love, cheeky." He said as his hands slid up to my hair before kissing me passionately.

"I missed you..." I sighed, pressing my forehead against his as I gasped for air. "I missed you so fucking much." He said, before kissing me again. "Come on love, let me show you to our room."

It wasn't until a hour later I met the roommate in question. A loud bang came from downstairs as he stumbled into the kitchen with bags of groceries that now sat on the kitchen counter. Tom took my hand in his, leading me down the stairs to meet the man. "Hey Tom, they didn't have the ice cream you liked so I just got- oh, hello." He said as he looked at me, a huge smile appearing on his face before he spoke again, "thank god I thought that fucker wasn't going to man up and get you back." He smirked as he looked at Tom, who put a arm around me and pulled me close. "Madelyn this is Derek." Tom smiled, rolling his eyes playfully as he sat up at the counter. "Hello, Let me help you with that." I offered, pulling the veggies out of one of the bags. "Thanks... I like her." Derek said to Tom as I helped put things away.

"I don't have any plans for food tonight. I can go get a pizza from the joint down the street." Tom said, making Derek's eyes light up at the words. "Dear god please, I'm starving." He said, before sitting on the white couch in the living room making my cheeks flush at the thought of just a few hours ago. Tom, seeing my blush, walked to my side, kissing my temple as Derek turned on the tv. "Right, Mads I'll be back." He smiled making his way to the garage. "Oh I'm not coming with you?" I smiled playfully. He made his way back to my side, his arm around my waist pulling me close as his free hand made its way to my cheek. "Don't worry love you're mine now, and I'm never letting your stunning self out of my life again." He said sweetly before kissing me passionately, enough to see stars as our lips moved in time, reassuring my deepest fears.

"Gross guys." Derek said, making us pull apart laughing. "I'll be back, the usual D?" Tom said as he walked back to the garage. "Yep!" Derek shouted back. And with that, me and Derek where left alone. I made my  way to the white couch, the thoughts of Tom taking me still fresh in my mind as I sat and ran my hand over the cotton cushions. "He'd been moping around for the past week." Derek said breaking the silence between us while flipping through channels. "I got worried a bit at one point, he wouldn't eat anything he just spent all day up in his room with his guitar." He added before finally settling on a re-run of a marvel movie.

I sat in silence, fumbling with the fabric of my clothes as I looked to the ground. "I was worried he'd go back into his depression. I mean not saying I have the capability to put him in the dark spot but I just know how hard it is with him to deal with." I rambled, not daring to look into Derek's eyes. "Madelyn the only capability of you putting him there is if you stayed out of his life. You are his everything, the thing he lives for. It's almost sickening how much you guys love each other, hell you can barley be apart from each other." He chuckled at the end making me smile a little.

"You are his Juliet to his Romeo, I don't think you could exist without being together, it's just how it's supposed to be."
I smiled at the reference to Romeo and Juliet, the play that brought him back to my side, the play that Caused me to overcome the biggest challenges in my life. "I feel... I feel like I always just mess everything up." I sighed, looking up to the tv, watching the Avengers and Loki in stark towers. "You have both messed up Maddie, the difference now is you both recognized and communicated the things that kept you apart. You got this Maddie, you did the big thing in telling him 'I love you' and traveled 3,000 miles to stand on his doorstep and get him back so I'd say it's safe to say you are overcoming your obstacles in the relationship perfectly well." He assured, his attention back to the screen.

It was about another 30 minutes until Tom came back, pizza in hand as he walked through the door. "Thank god I thought you'd never come." Derek sighed in relief before taking almost half the pizza on his plate. I made my way to Tom, pulling him as close to me as possible, hugging him tightly. "Whoa, what's this for?" Tom chuckled as his hand made its way to my waist as the other landed in my hair, playing with the strands. "I just love you, that's all." I sighed into his chest. "I love you too."

After we filled our bellies we made our way outside the the fire pit. The boys tumbled out with guitars in hand as I lit the fire with ease meaning LA was much dryer then London. I sat back into the bench and looked around, noticing a pool and paths through a little garden area. "You like it out here darling?" Tom inquired, whispering sweetly in my ear. "I love it it looks so peaceful and Gorgeous." I smiled back, leaning against the seat. Derek started picking on the strings of his guitar as Tom quickly joined.

The chords they played became familiar, Turing into a song I knew quite well.

You look so wonderful in your dress
I love your hair like that
The way it falls on the side of your neck
Down your shoulders and back
We are surrounded by all of these lies
And people who talk to much
You got that kind of look in your eyes
As if no one knows anything but us

Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
Cus all that you are is all that I'll ever need

I'm so in love
So In love
So In love
So in love

You look so beautiful in this light
Your Silhouette over me
The way it brings out the blue in your eyes
Is the Tenerife sea
And all the voices surrounding us here
Just fade out when you take a breath
Just say the word and I'll disappear
Into the wilderness

Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
Cus all that you are is all that I'll ever need

I'm so in love
So in love
So in love
So in love

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