Chpt. 9

557 19 14

-This boy-

"T-Tom?" I stuttered as I looked at the figure in-front of me. He was tanner, probably from all that LA sun, but he was thinner and his eyes had bags underneath them. "What's... what are you doing here." I asked barley above a whisper. His eyes shut as a tear fell down his cheek. "Tom?"

I placed my hand on the side of his face, making him break. He began to sob, wrapping his arms around me tightly as if he was afraid I'd turn into dust if he let me go. "Come on, I'll make you a cup." I offered, trying to get him into the door but he wouldn't move. "Please Tom-" "Maddie Don't leave me please! I'm so sorry I didn't even know if you'd even open the door, I'm so sorry I shouldn't-" he cried breaking my heart as his sobs cut off his words. "Tom, just come inside, I'm not going to leave you."

After some persuasion I sat him down on the couch next to star, her head in his lap as he pet the Great Dane. I went into the kitchen and filled a kettle, turning on the stove then got two cups from the cupboard. The whole time my mind was racing, thinking of every reason why he could be here.

I made my way to the living room, letting the water boil. And soon as I sat down next to Tom and star in the living room, he rested his head on my shoulder making me sigh. "Tom, what happened." I inquired, my hand playing with his hair as an attempt to calm him down. "She's been using me... this whole time she's been using me." He began, taking a deep breath before going on. "For almost a year she's been cheating on me and just... she was after my money and fame and..." he informed only to stop when he started to cry.

It took me by surprise that he didn't see it for so long, but then again it wasn't my place to judge. "I'm so sorry Tom." I comforted, trying to make him feel just a little bit better. "I don't deserve that... the way I've been treating you, I'm so... god Madelyn I'm such a dick." He stated. I scoffed making him look up at me, making me smile as I saw his blue eyes. "Don't flatter yourself but, I forgive you T." I stated, brushing a bit of hair out of his face. "I'll always forgive you."

My heart quickened as his eyes looked down to my lips, making me aware of the lack of space between us. "You mean everything to me, I don't want to loose you again, it was hell." He said breaking the silence. "You're my... best friend I can't loose you." I smiled bittersweetly. "Do you have a place to stay?" I ask, getting up to pour the hot water for the tea to steep. "I was just going to get a hotel, I really don't want to deal with my mum asking me so many questions." He sighed, thanking me after I handed him a cup. "You can stay here." I offered making him smile. "After everything?" "Always."

I grabbed a old tee shirt of his and handed it to him, making him smile at the grey fabric. "You kept this?" He giggled, making a smile spear across my face. "Yeah I just... I guess I hoped you'd come back so I just put some of your things up in the closet..." I rambled, blushing as his eyes looked over my body. He set the shirt down and made his way to my side, my cheek resting in his hand as he looked at me. He leaned in, pressing his forehead against mine. "I don't deserve you." He said. "I don't deserve any of this."

After a few more seconds of being so close, we parted, him making his way to the couch and me still by the room divider. "You want the bed, I mean the couch doesn't seem like it will fit you." I giggled making him smile. He turned around and took off his shirt, his back facing me. "I'll take the couch darling." My cheeks flushed as I watched him fiddle with his belt, then the zipper of his trousers. I quickly looked away and redirected my attention to getting ready for bed.

I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, only to be interrupted by Tom standing in the door frame. "What are you doing?" I laughed, spitting out the minty toothpaste then letting my attention fall to him. He was wearing his boxers and a grey shirt, and he couldn't take his eyes away from me. "Just happy to be looking at you again." He smiled making me roll my eyes playfully. "Well that doesn't sound stalker like." I teased making him stick his tongue out. "Dork." I scoffed, setting my toothbrush into its holder. We made our way back to the living room, it was 11 p.m. but we decided to watch the Simpsons to get our mind off of everything before we went to sleep. It felt so good to hear him laugh again.

It was 1am when we finally called it a night. Tom being the gentleman he was took the couch after a 30 min argument of me offering the bed and him declining. Star, being the amazing pup she was, cuddled up with Tom knowing he wasn't feeling the best.

I tossed and turned all night and couldn't find myself falling asleep. Maybe it was the lack of a horse sized dog in my bed or, maybe it was the fact that he was in my apartment after how everything... Most likely the second. The steady breathing of star and Tom was audible from beyond my room divider, something I found comfort in knowing I wasn't fully alone like I usually was in my studio apartment at this time. The calming breaths were like ocean waves crashing onto the sand, pulling me closer to a drowsy state. All of a sudden, the patter broke, what once was peaceful turned somber and broken. My heart ached as I heard him cry, his sobs getting louder by the minute.

I made my way from under the covers to his side, kneeling down by the couch. "Love?"


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