Chpt. 12

527 17 2

-candles and magazines, this is my choice-

My heart quickened as I looked into those blue eyes. I still felt guilty over everything, telling Korbin I just wasn't ready for a relationship even when we were still making out and having sex, and really just wanting to be with Tom this whole time. But It did become easier to hide my guilt after having a conversation of ending things with Korbin, durning lunch and how he took it so easy. I looked back at the bath, the candles lighting the room, the water steaming and smelled like lavender meaning he must've found my bath salts.

I turned around and hugged Tom tightly, his arms wrapped around me as I sighed into his touch. "You alright Madelyn?" He asked. "Yeah I am it's just... Thank you, I'm sorry for everything I've done, I don't deserve a man like you." I said. He scoffed and looked me in the eyes. "Madelyn Green, you deserve more than I can give you." He said, making me melt inside. I placed my hand on his cheek, making him lean into my touch. He rest his forehead on mine, and I leaned in to close the gap. His lips met mine, his hand made its way to my waist making me blush. But as soon as it started, it stopped. "What about Korbin." He said as he pulled away, obviously worried he would be kissing a taken girl. "We weren't together in the first place, we just hooked up a little here and there but I ended it."

He pulled me close again, kissing me quick and needy. "I'll let you be love." He smiled as he began to walk out the door. I sighed as he left. I got into the tub and relaxed as my body hit the steamy water. The wheels in my head began to turn as I though about the man outside the door.

"Tom?" I called, a few seconds later he cracked open the door. "W- what in the world are you doing come in." I giggled as I realized his head wasn't poking through the crack. "Sorry I thought you wanted... some privacy." He trailed off at the end as his eyes met my naked body in the tub, showing through the clear water.

"Well I was thinking, it was just kinda lonely and maybe you'd like to join me." I blushed. He sat on the floor by the ceramic edge, his finger tracing figure eights in the water. "I think it's big enough for two people don't you." I smirked as I looked into his eyes.

"If you say so." He smiled. He got undressed, then he sank into the hot water as well. He pulled me to him so my back was against his chest. One arm was wrapped around my waist as the other played with my hair. We had to have been in there for an hour enjoying simple company, the water moving as he traced lyrics to love songs into my arm making the only sound until he spoke, "I can't believe with is happening." He said, cutting through the enjoyable silence. "I mean it's just water and-"I giggled only to be cut off by him, "you dork. I mean I can't believe I'm here, with you. I mean ever since we got back from Hawaii I never thought I see you like this." I blushed, I turned to face him, my legs wrapped around his so I was straddling him, being exposed again for the first time in 3 years.

I kissed his sweet lips, making him smile against mine. "I'm so sorry I was too daft to see I've been in love with you since I was 17." I said before I snuggled my head into the crook of his neck, kissing and biting at the skin making him moan. "Madelyn, I- fuck." He sighed as I nibbled on his ear. His length was growing underneath me, making me turned on beyond reason. I wanted him, but the timing was to soon, I wanted to be with him and do it properly instead of jumping in on a whim like we did those years ago.

"Three years have been too long." I smirked before slid off of his lap and out of the water that was now lukewarm. I grabbed a towel off the rack and dried myself off, tom watching my every move carefully. I looked over my shoulder, back to the man who I was falling for, and smiled. "You coming?"

He blushed as he watched me wrap the white fabric of my soft robe before he made his way out as well. He reached for a towel, my mind wandering after I managed to get a few glimpses of his naked body. I put on my moisturizer then began to brush my teeth. Tom opened he third drawer to the left and got his own brush out of the compartment, a tube of toothpaste as well. And even simple things like brushing teeth, making the bed, doing dishes, was invigorating with his sense of wonder.

I rinsed my mouth and smiled at the man on my left, leaning my head on his shoulder as he brushed away. "You're the most beautiful girl in the world." He stated after rinsing his mouth. "Truly beautiful in every way." I blushed at his compliments and hugged him tightly. He giggled and lifted me up, my legs wrapped around his waist to gain some stability. "Tom! Put me down!" I squealed as he carried me through the living room to my bed, setting me down on the mattress.

"As you wish." He smirked, his body on top of mine as we laid on the bed. He rolled off me and pulled me close, my head resting in the crook of his neck. "You're my world Madelyn green, don't ever forget that."

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