Chapter Sixteen

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Christmas 1919

It was Christmas time at Downton Abbey. The tree had been put up and decorated by everyone. It was present time in the grand hall when the staff would receive gifts from the family. One by one, they each received their presents as they stepped forward.

"Anna, this is for you," Mary handed her two presents, "The usual cloth for a frock. I'm afraid. But I hope you like the other thing."

"I'm sure I will, Milady. Thank you," Anna said

"We all prayed for him in church this morning," Cora informed her.

"Happy Christmas, Anna," Robert said as she walked back next to Mrs. Hughes.

"I can't wait for you to open this," Cora said as she handed Mrs. Patmore her present.

"Thank you, Your Ladyship."

"Happy Christmas."

Later on that day, during luncheon, it was time to give presents in the library to the family. Hera was wearing a new lavender color collar that Eve had gotten her. Eve petted Hera's head before she opened the gift she had gotten from her aunt.

"Why do we have to help ourselves at luncheon?" Richard asked.

"It's a Downton tradition. They have their feast at lunchtime, and we have ours in the evening," Robert explained.

"Why can't they have their lunch early and then serve us?" He asked.

"Because it's Christmas Day," Mary told him.

"It's not how we'll do it at Haxby," Richard said.

"Which I can easily believe," Violet chuckled. She opened her present from Isobel. It was a nutcracker, but Violet did not know what it was, "Oh, this is nice. What is it?"

"What does it look like?" Isobel asked her.

"Something for getting stones out of horses' hooves."

"It's a nutcracker," She told Violet, "We thought you'd like it. To crack your nuts."

"Who's coming on New Year's Day?" Edith asked.

"The usual guns. Us three and some locals. You'll know all of them," Robert replied.

"Have you asked Anthony Strallan?"

"I tried. I gave him three dates, but he said no to all of them. Perhaps he's given it up.

"But he was so keen before the war."

"Perhaps he's had enough banging for one life," Violet suggested.

"Oh, and Rosamund's forced me to invite Lord Hepworth," Robert mentioned.


"I told him I was coming down here, and he dropped hint after hint!" Rosamund informed her mother.

"Perhaps he has nowhere to go. It can be a lonely time of year," Cora suggested.

"Jinx Hepworth lonely? I find that hard to believe. Hepworth men don't go in for loneliness much," Violet said.

"How do you know him?" Robert asked.

"I knew his father in the late sixties," She replied, "Mais ou sont les neiges d'antan?"

At that moment, Mr. Carson came into the library.

"Excuse me, Milord, but could you spare a moment?" Mr. Carson asked.

"Of course," Robert replied before walking toward Mr. Carson, "What is it?"

"There is a man here who claims to know Miss Eve, Milord," He informed, "What should I do with him?"

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