Chapter Eighteen

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Almost a month had passed since Matthew and Mary's wedding, and the two would be returning in a little over a week. But today was the day that Eve was to meet Emilio's parents. Emilio had written to Eve a few days before and told her the name of the restaurant to meet with him and his parents. Eve had only told her Aunt Cora where she was going today and that she was only going to London, and did not mention Emilio or his parents. Cora wished her niece luck before Eve left.

Upon arriving at the train station, Eve became more nervous, and her nervousness grew as the train departed the station and left for London. When the train arrived in London, Eve left the train and stepped onto the platform. She managed to find a taxi and told the driver the address of the restaurant before he drove her there. A few minutes passed before the driver pulled up to the restaurant. Eve paid the driver before he left as she turned around to face the restaurant. As Eve stared at the restaurant, she could feel her heart in their throat. A few seconds passed before Eve mustered the courage to enter the restaurant.

When she walked into the restaurant, Eve noticed that it was empty from what she could see, except for the host.

"Excuse me," Eve said to the host, "I am meeting a few people here. A young man and his parents."

"Ah, of course, they've been expecting you. We had to close the restaurant for them due to privacy and security reasons," The host explained, "Please follow me."

The host led Eve further into the restaurant until she saw Emilio and his parents seated at the table, but she noticed that five men were standing next to the table and were curious about why they were there. Emilio looked away from his parents and noticed Eve before he stood up from the table and went to greet her.

"Principessa," Emilio smiled, "I am glad made it. I understand that you have a lot of questions as to what is going on. I promise I can explain everything, "Emilio then led her over to the table and introduced her to his parents, "Madre, Padre, this is the woman I met during the war, the Honorable Miss Eve De La Cruz. Miss De La Cruz, I would like to introduce you to my father, His Majesty Alejandro Sebastián De Santis, the King of Spain, and my mother, Her Majesty Maria Valentina De Santis, the Queen of Spain."

Eve could not believe what she had just heard from Emilio and looked at him with shock written on her face. Emilio saw the expression on Eve's face and knew that she was both confused and shocked by what had happened just then.

"Principessa, I know that this must be quite a shock to you, and you must be wondering why I have waited until now to tell you," Emilio said.

Maria stood up from the table and walked over to the two before speaking, "I see that my son did not give you very much information on his family when he told you of us. It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Eve. Please sit with us."

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Eve replied.

Emilio pulled out Eve's chair as his father does for his mother before they sat back down in their seats.

"My son has told his Majesty and I that you were a nurse during the war and that you had saved his life," Maria said, beginning conservation with the nervous Eve.

"Yes, ma'am, that is correct," She replied, "But I would not say that I saved his life, I merely addressed his wounds and assisted the surgeon."

"Still, you helped my son," Alejandro spoke, "Her Majesty and I are grateful for what you did."

"Thank you, sir."

"My son told us that you had lost your parents very young," Maria said, "I am sorry that you had to experience that tragedy at such a young age."

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