Chapter Nineteen

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It had been two months since Eve had accepted Emilio's proposal. Since that day, Eve and Emilio had been working on the wedding from both ends while they were in their own countries. Eve was worried that her uncle would find out about the wedding and end it before Eve could walk down the aisle. Aside from herself, Mary was the only member of Eve's family who knew. It was the day before Eve was to leave for Spain. And all she had to do now was set up the final pieces of her plan.

Eve was currently in her room packing what she needed for the wedding and would return for the rest of her things when she returned from her honeymoon, to let the rest of her family know that she had gotten married. When Eve heard a knock on her door, she froze and became worried that it was her uncle.

"Eve, it's Mary," She said on the other side of the door. Eve walks over to the door and lets Mary in before closing it. Mary turns to her cousin and asks, "How is the wedding planning?"

"It is going rather well considering Emilio and I are in two separate countries," Eve replied, "But I know that everything is going to be wonderful. I just hope nothing is causing a fuss."

"Eve, it is a royal wedding of the Crown Prince. There is bound to be some fuss," Mary told her, "They want to be sure that everything is perfect for when their future Queen arrives. I have told Mama and Papa that we will be leaving very early tomorrow morning for our trip to France, so they will not suspect a thing of either of us being absent so early in the morning. I have also informed Anna of our 'trip', and she will be coming with us."

"Thank you, Mary."

"Have you had a dress made and sent it up to Spain?"

"Oh, I did not have a dress made," Eve replied, "I have my mother's wedding dress. Some of the nuns and women at the church helped with it. So much love went into designing and making this dress for my mother, and I want to feel that love when I wear it."

"You're quite the sentimentalist, Eve," Mary told her as she sat on the chair to Eve's vanity.

"You're supposed to be sentimental with a wedding happening soon," She said.

"Are you sure you do not want Papa or anyone else here?"

"No," Eve answered, "Because Uncle Robert will find out through one of them, and he will forbid the wedding. I have the tickets for you, Anna, and me, Mary. Emilio told me there will be somewhat of a committee to welcome us when we reach Spain's shores."

"No doubt the entirety of Spain will be there to welcome their future Queen," Mary teased her, "I understand that there are some traditions when it comes to a Spanish wedding. Do you know any?"

"Yes, I do," She replied, "I believe some are the groom who gives the bride thirteen gold coins to promise to provide for the bride and their family, and the acceptance symbolizes the bride's trust in her soon-to-be-husband. A Mantilla is a formal headdress made of intricate lace worn by the bride, typically shorter than a traditional veil, worn over the head and shoulders, often over a high comb called a peineta. Her Majesty said she would like to contribute to my wedding attire by giving me her mantilla, which she had custom-made by making it a drop mantilla veil, and that it will be attached to a tiara instead of a comb. Another one is that The bride hands out small pins, to be worn the wrong way up, to the single women in attendance throughout the wedding feast. According to Spanish wedding ceremony customs, it is believed that if the pin is lost during the reception, the woman will get married soon."

"Those are some rather interesting traditions," Mary commented, "Have you and Emilio given any thought to children now that you are soon to be wed?"

"We have given it some thought since he is to be King," Eve answered, "I do want a big family, but not too big, so Emilio and I could handle them. My whole life has been a fairy tale. I was born and raised in another class and world before coming here when my parents died, raised as a noblewoman, and now-"

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