Chapter Twenty-Three

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It was the day of Sybil's funeral, and all of Downton was in mourning. The guests who were in attendance were leaving. Everyone, except for Robert, sat in the drawing room. Tom was staring out the window, with Matthew and Emilio beside him.

"I know we all sound like parrots, Tom, but Emilio and I really would like to help if we can. And so would Mary and Eve," Matthew offered.

"My wife is dead. I am past help but thank you," Tom replied, staring off into the distance with tears threatening to appear.

Robert entered the drawing room, addressing Cora, "The Southesks looked for you to say goodbye."

"I was here," Cora responded.

Eve could tell her aunt still blamed her husband for the death of their young daughter.

Isobel stood up from her seat, "I hope you'll let me know if there's anything I can do. Anything at all."

Eve, Mary, and Edith stood up from their seats.

"Thank you," Mary replied.

"I'll come with you," Violet said as she stood up, "Save him getting the car out twice."

"You're both very welcome to stay for some dinner," Robert offered them.

"I don't think so," She responded, "Grief makes one so terribly tired," Violet walked over to Cora, "Goodbye, my dear," She kissed her daughter-in-law on the cheek, "Now that it's over, try to get some rest."

Violet glances over at Tom before kissing her three granddaughters goodbye on the cheek. Violet and Isobel leave the drawing room. Robert sits in the chair next to his wife.

"Is it over? When one loses a child, is it ever really over?" Cora wondered.

Down in the Servant's hall, everyone sat at the table. Rosa and Carlos looked over at Thomas and saw he was looking sad.

"Cheer up, Mr. Barrow. A long face won't solve anything," Alfred told Thomas.

"Leave him alone. He knew Lady Sybil better than any of us," Anna defended him.

"Except you. We were the two who really knew her," Thomas spoke.

"I'd say your grief speaks well for her," Jimmy said.

"Thank you for that. Thank you for saying that."

That night, Eve had trouble sleeping. A friend, a sister, and a cousin had been buried today. A young woman with so much to live for and whose life ended decades before it should have. Sybil should have been able to grow old with Tom, watch their daughter grow alongside any possible siblings and cousins, etc. But now, it would never happen.

A tear rolled from Eve's closed eyes and down her face. Emilio, even asleep, could sense his wife was upset and pulled her into his embrace. Being in her husband's arms helped Eve fall asleep that night, but it did not come easy to her.

The next morning, Robert, Edith, Matthew, Emilio, Eve, and Tom sat at the table with Isis and Hera on the floor as usual.

"How is the baby doing?" Matthew asked.

"I envy her," Tom replied, "She doesn't know a thing about it."

"We ought to think about getting a nurse. Mrs. Rose will leave once the baby is weaned. Perhaps a local girl?" Edith suggested.

"But I'm not staying," He informed them, and their eyes were now all on him, "Or at least, just until I find a job."

"Well, there's no rush," She told him.

"God, no," Matthew agreed with his sister-in-law.

"Tom's right. He has to start to make a life for himself some time," Robert stated.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2023 ⏰

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