Chapter Twenty-One

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In the Royal Palace of Spain, Eve was carrying out her royal duties as Princess with the help of her mother-in-law. Since marrying Emilio, Eve's life seemed no different than before. Eve did most of the things she did when she was still The Honorable Miss Eve De La Cruz as she was now Princess Eve De La Cruz De Santis. Eve attended various events that were required of her position and some that were a beloved surprise to the people.

Since she and Emilio returned to Spain, they had a small tour of the country, a handful of balls, attended charities, greeted foreign dignitaries, hosted dinners, etc. Many of the wives of the dignitaries asked Eve if she and Emilio were expecting, and when she replied that they were not, the wives gained a look that no doubt meant Eve was not fulfilling her duties.

Eve was in the library, enjoying herself as she read a book with Hera at her feet when one of the footmen came into the room and handed her a letter. Emilio came in as the footman left, and Eve was reading the letter.

"What does it say?" Emilio inquired as he sat down next to his wife on the couch.

"It's my Aunt Cora," Eve answered, "She says that Edith has gotten better since the wedding fiasco and wants to invite us to stay at Downton for a bit. I know we leave for our stay with the King and Queen in three days. Do you think we can stay at Downton for a while after the visit?"

"Of course," He replied, "It will be a small tour of a York countryside village after we strengthen the family ties with the English and Spanish Royalty," Emilio kissed Eve on the cheek.

"Thank you," Eve smiled.

"You're welcome."

The two then stood up from the couch and left the library, with Hera following close behind, to carry on with the rest of their royal duties for the day.

Eve and Emilio sat in the back of the motorcar to Downton after they visited with the King and Queen of England, and it was a wonderful visit. The last time Eve had seen them was at her and Emilio's wedding. When they arrived at the palace, they walked Eve with open arms when they were in private. The royals talked about the relations between their countries and what could be done to ensure they would remain allies, along with changing with the times, ensuring a great economy, etc. Eve enjoyed her time at Buckingham Palace and the time she had spent with her husband and his distant family.

When they arrived at Downton, everyone was lined up outside to greet them. Alfred stepped up to the motorcar and opened the door for Emilio and Eve to step out. Hera hopped out and sat down next to Eve. Cora curtsied while Robert bowed to the young couple.

"Your Highnesses, welcome back to Downton Abbey," Cora greeted as she curtsied to her niece and nephew-in-law.

"Thank you, Aunt Cora," Eve said before she hugged her aunt and then her uncle, "It was all rather perfect timing if you would believe it. Emilio and I had planned on visiting the King and Queen when we received your letter. You remember Rosa, my ladies' maid, and Carlos, Emilio's valet."

Rosa curtsies as Carlos bows his head.

"Of course. It is good to see you both again," Cora told Rosa and Carlos.

"How are their majesties?" Robert inquired.

"Same as ever, Uncle Robert," She replied.

"I hope your stay with them was excellent," Cora said to her niece and nephew-in-law.

"My cousins were very gracious hosts to us and said they enjoyed their time with us," Emilio responded.

"Let's go to the drawing room, and you can tell us everything that has happened while you were away."

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