Chapter Seven

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July 1914

In front of Downton Abbey, the family gets out of the motorcar. They have just returned from London for Sybil's presentation to the King and Queen and her first season.

"Hello, William. It's good to have you back," Cora greeted.

Eve smiled while she walked, with Hera following her, toward William, "I'm sorry about your mother, William. At least you were able to say goodbye."

"Thank you, Miss."

Eve could hear the sadness in his voice. She knew the pain that William was feeling. Eve continues walking into Downton Abbey before standing in the grand hall with her family.

"What a relief to be home," Robert announced.

"Don't listen when His Lordship pretends not to enjoy the Season," Cora voiced.

"When in Rome," Robert responded.

"Will Lady Mary be back soon?" Mrs. Huges asked.

"She's staying on with my sister for a couple of weeks," He informed.

"So Grantham House is closed?" She asked.

"It will be by the end of this week," Cora informed, "Dear Mrs. Hughes, I hope you've had some time to yourself while we've been away."

"I've tackled a few jobs that get forgotten about when the house is full."

"Any local news?" Robert asked.

"The main topic here is the murder of the Austrian Archduke," Mrs. Hughes answered.

"Here and everywhere else," Mr. Carson added.

"I'm afraid we haven't heard the last of that," Robert responded before asking, "And how's William?"

"Bearing up," Mr. Carson informed.

"Poor chap. He has our sympathies. I think I'll wash the train off before dinner."

"Very good, Milord. I can unpack while you're bathing," Mr. Bates said.

"I'll see you up there," Robert responded.

The family and staff depart, leaving only Cora and Mrs. Hughes.

"Oh, Mrs. Hughes, have you had any thoughts about the garden party for the hospital?" Cora asked.

"I've started on it, but there are things we need to talk about," Mrs. Hughes replied.

"Oh, dear. That sounds like trouble. I'll take my hat off. Sybil?" Sybil, Eve, Hera, and Edith stop before they go up the stairs for Cora, "You were a great success in London, darling. Well done," She praised.

Sybil smiles and goes up the stairs.

Edith looks at her mother and says, "You never say that to me?"

"Don't I?" Cora takes Edith's hand and leads her daughter up the steps, "You were very helpful, dear. Thank you."

"You were very helpful in London," Eve comforted as she and Hera walked up the stairs.

Once in her room, Eve got ready for her shift at the hospital. On her way down the stairs, she saw Dr. Clarkson in the grand hall. The two said hello to each other before going their separate ways.

While Eve was at the hospital, she read a few chapters of a book to the children before going to the post-op room, where the patients were reading newspapers and talking about the murdered Austrian Archduke. Dr. Clarkson soon came into the post-op room and checked on his patients.

"Welcome back, Dr. Clarkson," Eve greeted.

"Thank you, Nurse De La Cruz," He responded.

"I know this is none of my business, but why were you at Downton?" She asked.

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