Chapter Twenty-two

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Eve and Emilio were currently in a motorcar on their way to Downton after sailing to England from Spain. They had received a telegram from Eve's Aunt Cora that Sybil was going to give birth at any moment and that she wanted them to be there when it did happen. Eve was excited for her cousin and her husband.

"Do you think the baby will be a boy or a girl?" Eve asked her husband.

"Well, as a man I am expected to say 'boy', but I have a feeling that the baby will be a girl," Emilio responded.

"I know that we are not expecting at the moment, but if we were, would you like a boy or a girl?" She inquired.

"As I have said before, while the country expects a boy to inherit the crown, I could not care less if any of our children are boys or girls so long as they are happy and healthy," Emilio replied.

"Right answer," Eve said before she lightly kissed her husband's cheek.

The royal couple continued to talk for the remainder of their journey to Downton. When they arrived at Downton, everyone, except for Sybil, was lined up outside to greet them. Alfred stepped up to the motorcar and opened the door for Emilio and Eve to step out. Hera hopped out and sat down next to Eve. Cora curtsied and Robert bowed to the young couple.

"Your Highnesses, welcome back to Downton Abbey," Cora greeted as she curtsied to her niece and nephew-in-law.

"Thank you, Aunt Cora," Eve said before she hugged her aunt and then her uncle, "I was so glad when I received your telegram. How is Sybil doing?"

"Much like any woman expecting her first child," Cora replied with a smile, "Dr. Clarkson was here last night and he said that everything is fine. Your uncle has invented Sir Philip Tapsell for dinner and to stay with us so he can deliver the baby."

"I thought Dr. Clarkson was supposed to deliver the baby with him knowing all of us and our histories?"

"Your uncle wanted someone who has delivered babies of many noble families," She replied, "Now, let's all head in and have some tea. You can tell us everything in the drawing room."

Emilio and Eve followed Robert and Cora inside Downton with the others following behind them. After talking in the drawing room, Eve went up with Hera and Mary to visit Sybil in her room. Unfortunately, Hera could not enter the room due to Sybil's condition and stayed outside by the door. Eve and Sybil had missed each other and talked about whatever they could think of.

That evening, everyone, except Sybil, sat at the table along with Sir Philip for dinner. Eve did not know much about the man but she could certainly tell that Sir Philip was full of himself.

"The dear Duchess of Truro is full of your praises, Sir Philip. Then, of course, you know that," Violet complimented.

"She had quite a time when she was first married, but I said to her, 'Never fear, Duchess, I'll get a baby out of you one way or another," He replied, causing Robert to choke lightly on his drink.

"And so you did."

"Three boys, and as a result, a secure dynasty, I'm glad to say," Sir Philip added before addressing Eve and Emilio, "Your Royal Highnesses, if I may be forward when it is time for your children to enter this world, I would be delighted to deliver them."

"While my husband and I are grateful for your offer, Sir Philip," Eve said, "We have already decided on a physician who will deliver our child or children when the time comes."

"But you see no complications here?" Robert inquired, concerned for Sybil.

"None at all," Sir Philip assured, "Lady Sybil is a perfect model of health and beauty."

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