Chapter Seventeen

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Spring 1920

Wedding preparations were underway for Mary and Matthew's wedding. They were now rehearsing for the wedding at the church. Robert, Edith, Eve, and Cora sat on Mary's side of the pews, while Isobel sat on Matthew's.

Mary and Matthew stand beside each other at the altar in plain clothes. Mary has a white train sticking out under her coat.

"Is there any news of Sybil?" Matthew asked.

"She's still not coming. She insists they can't afford it," Mary informed him. Matthew raises his eyebrows with an understanding frown and nods.

"Mr. Travis, can we move forward?" The Archbishop asked.

"If I could just ask you to come down the aisle again," Mr. Travis instructed. Matthew and Mary nod pleasantly to him and smile at each other as they turn toward the door, "Can we get the troops organized?"

"That means me," Robert said as he rose from the pew.

"It seems rather hard on poor old Travis when he's doing all the work, but the archbishop gets the glory," Cora complained.

"Papa was the one who wanted a prince of the church. I'd have settled for Travis," Mary turned to her father, "Is there really no way we can get Sybil over? It seems ridiculous."

"On the contrary, it's a relief. Branson is still an object of fascination for the county. We'll ask him here when we can prepare the servants and manage it gently," Robert said before he and Mary walked to the back of the church.

"I do wish Uncle Robert would get over the fact that Sybil married Branson," Eve voiced, "I honestly do not know why he obsessed with the fact that he was a chauffeur. As long as Branson treats Sybil with love and kindness, then I'm happy for them."

"I do too, my dear," Cora agreed, "But give your uncle time. He should come around eventually."

The Archbishop calls down the aisle, "Mr. Travis, are we ready?"

"Er, any moment, Your Grace, any moment," Travis walks back up the aisle, "Can we, please?"

Mary and Robert stand ready and take each other's arms before starting down the aisle.

After the rehearsal, Eve was at the hospital. She had returned in late February after Doctor Clarkson had her do a simple refresher course at the hospital to ensure what she did and did not remember, and Eve had passed with flying colors. Eve was currently tending to Mrs. MacCarthy, who was recovering from minor surgery and owns a bakery in the village.

"So, tell me, dear, how is your Captain?" Mrs. MacCarthy asked.

"Emilio is doing fine," Eve replied, "He wrote to me the day before saying that he and his parents were visiting the countryside and went to a vineyard owned by a family friend. "

"Oh, that sounds lovely, dear," She commented, "I remember one summer when I was younger, a few friends, my sister, and I visited Spain. Oh, the beaches were absolutely lovely and so was the countryside. My sister loved everything about Spain. Especially the man who would then become her husband. The wedding was so beautiful. I wish you could have been there, dear."

"I'll speak with H.G. Wells to see if he will let me borrow his time machine," Eve joked, earning a chuckle from Mrs. MacCharthy, "Oh, and I'll be sure to bring you 'Sense and Sensibility' tomorrow, Mrs. MacCharthy."

"Your too good to me, dear," Mrs. MacCharthy thanked, "And be sure to tell me more about your Captain when his next letter comes."

"You're welcome, and I will."

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