Chapter Ten

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It was not long after Downton had been decided to be turned into a convalescent home, that things were being prepared. In the drawing room, beds were being set up.

"Should we give them some more space between the beds?" Anna asked as she, Ethel, and Eve walked in with parts of the beds.

"Well, we could give them--" Edith began.

"Not much," Isobel answered, "I'm determined to defend the library as a recreation room."

"Where are we to sit?" Cora asked.

"We can screen off the small library," She replied.

"Is that all?"

"I suppose we--" Edith began before Isobel interrupted her again.

"Well, we could leave you the boudoir. I wanted to put the intermediaries in there, but we don't have to."

"How kind," Cora responded with no enthusiasm, and Isobel walked away.

"I know this is a bit strange, but please, Aunt Cora, these men deserve some comfort for what they have sacrificed," Eve said.

"Why will we only have officers?" Sybil asked as she walked in with Major behind her, "Surely all wounded men need to convalesce."

"The hospital is for officers, and the whole idea is to have a complimentary convalescent home," Major Clarkson expelled.

"Of course, but I don't know if we can make that an absolute rule," Eve reasoned.

"If the world were logical, I would rather agree with you," Isobel informed.

"Which comes as no surprise," Violet commented as she entered the room.

"You would not, I imagine," Isobel replied.

"You imagine right. What these men will need is rest and relaxation. Will that be achieved by mixing ranks and putting everyone on edge?" Violet said before leaving the room with Mr. Carson by her side. Sybil and Eve follow her into the hall.

"Granny," Sybil called after as she and Eve rush to her.

"Mm?" Violet stopped in her tracks.

"Different ranks can relax together, it has been known. I have seen it myself at the base hospital I work at," Eve told her.

"Well, don't look at me, I'm very good at mixing. We always danced the first waltz at the servants' ball, didn't we, Carson?" Violet responded.

"It was an honor, My Lady," Mr. Carson spoke with pride.

"It's a lot to ask when people aren't at their best," Violet said before turning to Mr. Carson, "I'm searching for Lady Mary, Carson. Will you tell her I'm in the library?"

Mr. Carson bows and goes in search of her. Isobel passes Edith who's standing in a doorway.

"Don't loiter, Edith. There's plenty to be done," Isobel told her.

"Of course, but I'm not quite what to--" Edith began to respond.

"Sybil, I want to have a quick word with you," Isobel walked away which left Edith feeling lost.

Eve saw this and walked over to her, "Edith, could you help me with the beds?"

"Of course," Edith replied. The two walked into the drawing room and helped set the beds up.

A bit later that day, Mr. Carson, Mrs. Huges, and Eve were in the kitchen informing Mrs. Patmore about the changes that were going to happen at Downton with the soldiers staying here.

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