Time to talk.

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The man grabbed your arm.

"Let me go you creep!" You shouted as loud as you could in hope that someone nearby would hear you.

He pulled you towards him.

With the last of your energy, You lifted up your leg and kicked him in the nuts. "Jesus Christ you've got some power in that leg" The man said as he was falling to the ground.

You remembered seeing a tiktok about going to the police station if anyone is following you.

You ran as fast as you could even though that wasn 't very fast. The police station is located right by the Ice Cream place so you knew the directions.

About 5 minutes later you arrived at the police station, the man trailing about 50 feet behind you.

You opened the doors and rushed to the front desk, "Hi, hello there is a man chasing me" The cop at the front desk looked up at you and responded "okay, were they still following you when you entered the building?" you were a bit frustrated. "The last time I checked was in the parking lot he was about 50 feet behind me, but earlier he grabbed my arm, so I kicked him and ran here." "Good choice." the officer responded.

After a few minutes of standing there while the cop talked to her co-worker, she finally respondeed "Look, the most we can do is escort you home." You didn't hestitate in responding "Thats fine, perfect actually."

The cop called on her walkie-talkie "Hey can we get someone down here to escort this girl home?"

Soon enough you were in the back of a cop car heading home. It was quite nerve racking being in a cop car, even if it wasn't for a bad reason.

George's POV

"Wilbur, Y/N has been gone for an hour. It does not take an hour to go for a run. That phone call was concerning as well."

"Well what do we do, we have no idea where she is how are we supposed to find her."

Wilbur's focus suddenly shifted to the Window behind me. "George-"

I turned around and saw a cop car. "Don't they send cops to tell people when their family has died..."


Wilbur and I slowly made our way over to the door. Emotions were flooding through my head of all sorts.

Will opened the door.


Wilbur opened the door and you ran into Georges arms. "Y/N where the fuck have you been, I've been worried about you."

The cop answered "some dude chased her and tried to take her, but she kicked him and ran to the police station, she is a smart girl."

Overwhelmed with emotion you started to silently cry, gentle tears fell from you face and landed on George's shirt.

You pulled away from George's arms and wiped away your tears.

"have a nice day folks." The cop said right before he left.

Wilbur closed the door and turned to hug you.

"My God, y/n I swear your starting to become the main character in a crazy fan fiction. You get into some sort of crazy trouble every fucking week."

You forced out a chuckle as you pulled away from Wilbur and went to sit on the couch.

After a few minutes you recieved a text from Tommy.

You, Wilbur, and George went out to eat for lunch and had spegettios for dinner

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You, Wilbur, and George went out to eat for lunch and had spegettios for dinner.

It was time to talk to Tommy.

(A/N I hope you all are okay with a shorter chapter, I am going to try to update at least everyother day but hopefully i'll be able to update everyday. Shorter chapters from now on <3)

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