a week

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It's been a week since you had been diagnosed with memory loss, and a week since you fell apart in George's arms crying about everything.

Anyone that saw you could easily tell you were not doing well. Medically you were fine, no additional memory loss. However emotionally was a different story.

You haven't streamed or been active on any social media in a week. 7 days.

You had barely spoken to Tommy either, it pained you to much to talk to him knowing that he doesn't like you like that.

Tommy texts you once or twice a day. At most. It's normally just a "How are you?" and a "fine" in response.

You are fully aware the pain you've probably caused him, because you aren't yourself and you won't tell him about your dream.

He thinks he did something wrong, doesn't he..

You spend most hours pondering over that thought.

You've been eating, George makes sure you shower and practice basic hygiene.

If it weren't for George you aren't sure where you would be. He helped you do everything.

"Y/n? Can I come in?"

George stood at your door.


George stepped into your room and looked at you. He felt great sympathy for you, but you didn't appreciate the pitying.

"There is something here for you"

Let me guess...a pity gift

You rolled your eyes, "If it's another hallmark card I don't want it"

"Not a get well soon card, I promise"

You got up dreadfully and walked to the front door.

Through the blurred glass you could see a tall man outside.


You opened the door.

"Oh Wilbur! Hi!"

Wilbur was the only person you talked to on the regular over this past week.

He wrapped you into a hug.

"How have you been?"

"fine I suppose"

"That's a lie." George interrupted

"She's been in her room all day everyday except for when I make her shower, She hasn't streamed or been on any social media. She hasn't even been talking to Tommy."

"Oh I know." Wilbur stated.

How do they both know that

You looked back and forth between Wilbur and George.

Wilbur spoke up "Y/n I don't know how you haven't realized, all Tommy talks about is how you are doing. He cares about you. I think you should tell him about your dream."

You've told Wilbur the details about your dream.

"No i'm not going to do that. Ever."

The conversation ended there.

2 days later

Wilbur being around really helped you get out of the slump you were in.

Yesterday you got dressed, ate, and spent time with Wilbur and George. You felt better. It was a great distraction from everything else happening.

You woke up this morning and walked into the living room and saw Wilbur and George talking, "Hey guys i'm gonna go for a run."

"Really, that's great!" Will said

"Be safe." George as normal was being protective.

You walked out the door and put in your airpods, playing the pina colada song.

You set a steady pace and were on your way.

About 10 minutes into your run you noticed someone following you. Average sized man, looked to be in his mid 30's.


You took out both your airpods and continued running, avoiding your house.

10 minutes had passed and he was still following you, he stayed about 20 feet away from you.

Maybe he isn't following me

You took 4 lefts and he was still behind you, meaning he definitely was following you. Fear started to fill your body.

What do I do

You called George "George I think someone is following me"


"George can you hear me?"


You hung up. He can't fucking hear me

You made sure to continue running, even though you were getting very tired.

Without realizing it you started getting slower, as you were beginning to feel exhausted. He had been following you for 25 minutes now.

"hey" A voice from behind you called

Oh god. Fear once again flooded your body. Everything was getting blurry, you suddenly became dizzy. You tried to run faster but your legs weren't moving.

The man grabbed your arm.

(short chapter ik soorrryyy, but I have 3 drafts ready to post. I'll be posting every other day at least. Shorter chapters if you are all okay with that!!)

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