zone out

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You had just arrived at the hotel, you could've gone to Wilbur's house but you didn't want your stalker to find his address too.

The hotel had red wallpaper. very ugly. It had two beds, one for George and one for you. Wilbur wouldn't be staying at the hotel, he was going back to his house soon anyway.

As you were unpacking you called Tommy. "Hey are you at the hotel?" You were previously looking in your suitcase but you glanced up at your phone and found yourself doing a double-take. "Tommy did you get you braces off?! WHAT" "He smiled, "I was waiting for you to notice" "OH MY GOSH, When did you get them off?" "yesterday"

After admiring Tommy a bit without him seeming to notice, you went back to unpacking and in a couple minutes you reached the bottom of your suitcase. You zipped it back up and put it in the closet before saying goodbye to Tommy.

You talked with Wilbur for awhile before he went home, he only lived about 10 minutes away from the hotel, so you would see him tomorrow.

It was about 11 PM now, you had been texting Tommy ever since Wilbur left. You sent him one final text saying goodnight and went to bed.

The next morning you woke up to the sound of George opening the blinds. "what time is it" You mumbled "7" George responded. "Why so early!" You turned on your phone and began scrolling on twitter. "Come on y/n free breakfast ends in a half hour"

With dread you walked to the elevator and clicked the button to go to the ground floor. You were leaning against the elevator wall when the doors opened.

You watched as the doors slowly separated revealing what was on the other side. Looking at the ground, the grey tiles interrupted by the big black boots standing before you. Your eyes slowly moved up, this all happening in what felt like slow motion. The persons black sweatpants, leading up to his green windbreaker. The man was quickly beginning to feel all to familiar. Your eyes crept up to his face, concealed with a graying beard. Your eyes locked. It was the man who followed you.

Although it felt like this all had happened over the span of a minute, it actually happened in nothing more than a second. Suddenly you were brought back to reality with the fear flooding through your body like a freight train. You were cornered. Luckily George was right next to you, but then again what would George be able to do, this man is huge. Without realizing you let out a whimper as he took a step towards you, George still looking at his phone. George looked up at you and then at the man. He quickly realized who it was, he knew by your expression. 

George quickly grabbed your arm and started pulling you out of the elevator past the man. You were just about to get away from him when the man grabbed your arm and pulled you back towards him. By now many people in the lobby were looking over at you. George started yelling for help because no one was coming over. The staff started running over to the elevator. They grabbed you and pulled away from him, after you were free from the mans grip George pulled you into a hug as hotel security kicked the man out. George asked if you were okay, you didn't answer because you were so out of it and you really didn't know what just happened. George started questioning security on why they didn't arrest him, "We are just security, not police. We can't arrest anybody. However we will give the police a description of the man and notify them of what happened."

George was clearly angry. "Y/n we aren't going back to the room. Let's stay downstairs in case he comes back there will be people around. I am gonna text Wilbur." You just nodded in response.

You don't really recall any of the details on what just happened. It's like you shut down. George seemed to notice that you were zoning out. "y/n? You okay?" You looked at him. "Huh, yeah." George knows you better than anyone. "You should call Tommy". "Uh why?" You responded "He will help you feel better." George smiled at you and you nodded while pulling out your phone.

"Hello Pea" Tommy answered. George was right, Tommy really can always make you feel better. "Hiiiii" you said with a smile creeping up on your face. George looked over at you and smiled then went back to texting Wilbur. "What's up?" Tommy asked. "I just needed to calm down a bit." Tommy looked confused. "What do you mean?" You remembered he didn't know. "Oh um we saw the stalker dude, he tried to take me I think? I don't really remember." Tommy looked concerned, and George did too. "You don't remember?" George said. "Well I know what happened but I don't really remember all the details." Tommy interrupted "First off what the fuck! are you okay? And secondly, Pea that could be memory loss, it's probably not but you've had severe memory loss before. You should go to the hospital just in case." George nodded his head in agreement. "let's go."

ethereal (tommyinnit X reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now