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Sure enough your very own brother had a huge fanbase and streams on Twitch.

Without thinking you quickly stood up and opened your door. Its squeaky noise made you cringe every time.

You ran down the hall and knocked on George's door while you were opening it. That door too, was squeaky.

George's POV

I could here footsteps in the distance leading up to my bedroom. This can't be good.

I panicked as I heard a knock at the door and the brass door handle squeaked open.

I swiftly stood up and leaned against the door. Being sure to keep Y/N out.

After a minute of Y/N trying to get in, she stoped pushing on the door for a second which was enough time for me to lock the door.

What was she thinking. I've told her before not to come in my room without knocking.


He locked the door. Asshole.

You ran back to your room, your bare feet sliding across the hard floor.

You are pretty good at thinking on the fly. You pride yourself on that.

You grabbed a bobby pin.

You sprinted back to George's room being sure not to slip, as your feet get really sweaty. Nasty.

You learned in fifth grade how to unlock George's door with a bobby pin. He stole your iPad. NEVER steal a 10 year olds iPad. You were furious to say the least. He locked his door so you begged your dad to teach you how to unlock his door, your dad talked about his unique skill set a lot. I miss him a lot, I still don't know what happened to him.

You inserted the bobby pin into the little hole in the door knob.

With a little jangle of the door handle it unlocked and you bursted into his room.

Shit. You froze. How could you forget he was streaming.

"GET OUT GET OUT GET OUT" George screamed at the top of his lungs.

Thoughts piled into your head and you quickly knelt down after standing there frozen for a few seconds. In front of 87 THOUSAND PEOPLE!

Then it hit you. you were in pajamas. A black Nike sports bra and grey sweatpants with your light brown hair in a messy bun. 87 thousand people just saw you in a sports bra.

You sat there thinking for a second. What do I do now. I have to talk to George, right now.

You got on your hands and knees and crawled over to George's desk, making sure you stayed out of view from the camera.

you were in George's room last night and noticed a pen and paper on his desk.

You knew exactly where it was placed, you have a photographic memory.

You reached your hand up to the smooth surface of the desk.

You could see George's confused face in the corner of your eyes. "Tommy shut up". He was talking to his stream.

You grabbed the pen and piece of paper and wrote "can u go on mute pls"

He gave a confused look and a thumbs up. "Hey guys I will be right back." You assume he was talking to his friends.

He pulled his headphones off and set them on the table.

"Look I can explain-" George spoke at barely over a whisper

"I already know about your account George you don't have to explain"

"But how do you-"

You could hear yelling from his headphones. It sounded like a teenage boy, Around your age.


You glanced down at his headphones and could see George was very annoyed

"I found your stream this morning. I came in here to talk to you about it and forgot you were live. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know I just didn't think you'd be interested in it"

You could tell George was trying to not move his mouth that much, so his stream couldn't tell he was talking.

"Dude that is so cool"

"Oh. Cool"

George was now grinning, although he was trying to hide it, You could see it plain as day.

You asked if you could stay and watch. He said ok, but you can't be on stream because he doesn't want people to see you in your sports bra.

You got on my hands and knees once again, and crawled over to the corner of George's bed where the camera couldn't see.

It was pretty boring. You couldn't hear the people he was taking to, just him talking.


He repeated that sentence at least 10 times. Yet I you still had no idea who Tommy is.

Ten minutes later

You were bored out of your mind and found one of your dog's tennis balls on the bed so you threw it at George to get his attention.

He wipped his head towards you.

You mouthed the words Mute yourself

He gave me a thumbs up and you watched as his finger hit the keyboard.

"What do you want Y/N"

"Can you disconnect your headphones or something. I want to hear your friends"

"Yeah I don't think so."

"What why" you said dragging out the Y at the end

"I do not want you to hear what they are saying about you and it would mess up the stream audio."

"Oh..are they saying something mean about me?"

"No. quite the opposite"

"Oh, well can't you get another pair of headphones...pleaseeeee"


George got up and dug through a black bin in the corner of his room and found another pair of headphones.

He threw them at you. you caught them because your simply built different.

Next thing you knew you could hear everything

What the hell.

(A/N- this is the average length that each chapter will be. about 1000 words. Now go get some water and take care of yourself <3)

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