My painkiller

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You walked to your room and facetimed Tommy.

"hi Tommy"


"What's wrong, seriously. Tell me about the dream."

You could feel the tension rising. Do I tell him? Or put it off until we haven't talked in weeks and we practically aren't even friends anymore.

"Okay. Yeah, I'll tell you."

Tommy sighed, "Thank you."

"So, in my dream you uh, um, you came to my house and" You went silent. This is the first time you really thought about the dream in-depth since you told George about it.

Tommy interrupted your thought. "y/n, you there?" "Oh yeah, um sorry I'll continue."

"So you came to my house and we hung out a lot obviously." This was the hard part. Telling him about how you guys dated. It was going to be awkward no matter what.

"we dated" you blurted out. Your anxiety rose to ungodly levels while you waited for his response. ding ding . you got a text from an unknown number. Tommy still hadn't said anything as you began to read the message.

 Tommy still hadn't said anything as you began to read the message

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"Oh God, Tommy, Tommy." You said in an urgent tone, on the verge of tears. "I am still here y/n" "No no not that, this... Text" You sent him a screenshot of the message. "Oh dear Lord. Do you think it could be the guy from earlier today?"

You hadn't thought about that being a possibility, even though it was the most possible.

"Shit I didn't even think about that" "y/n go downstairs and get Wilbur and George right now."

You took your phone with you as you walked down the stairs yelling for Wilbur and George. "What?" George said. You showed him the text. "What the fuck" George responded. "I think it's the guy from earlier." Tommy said from the phone. "Oh Tommy?" Wilbur said in a surprised tone. You nodded in response.

"Well what do we do?" George stated "We should go to a hotel" "Good idea Wilbur" You responded. "I'll start packing, George book the hotel." Wilbur said as he walked upstairs.

Soon enough you were  in your room packing, still on call with Tommy. "Hey, so about your dream-" You cut him off by saying "Yeah, I know it's stupid and I should forget it." "That's actually not what I was going to say, about the whole dating thing it don't really care that much, it's okay. And it's not stupid." He said he didn't care, I should be relieved but a part of me is upset that...well..I guess I'm upset because he didn't care.

"Right, well I am done packing I better go downstairs. I'll call you later." You walked downstairs and were greeted with Wilbur and George taking their bags outside. "y/n give me your bag" George approached you and grabbed your bag, as he was walking out the door he turned to face you "Did you figure things out with Tommy?" "Yeah I told him about the dream he said he didn't care, so we are good now." George nodded and walked out the door.

George and Wilbur were sitting in the front seats of Wilbur's 2014 Ford Explorer. Wilbur was behind the wheel singing along to his playlist called "My painkiller" (real playlist btw). You were sitting in the back seat looking out the window. Thinking about the reason you were leaving. There was a creepy man who knew your address, and you didn't know when you would return to your home. It was a sad thought, you were just barely beginning to feel better. Then this happened.

(once again very short chapter, BUT IM GOING TO TRY MY HARDEST TO UPDATE IT EVERY DAY!! i luv u all thanks for 1k+ reads <3)

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